News and events

Quel est l’impact économique de l’UNIL ? Published on 10.03.25
Quel est l’impact économique de l’UNIL ?
Février 2025 | Les résultats de l’étude réalisée par l’Institut CREA montre que chaque franc investi par l’État de Vaud dans l’Université de Lausanne (UNIL) en génère 4,7 dans le canton.
Reimagine Series: Healthcare – Invest in health and reduce social unrest Published on 28.11.24
Reimagine Series: Healthcare – Invest in health and reduce social unrest
In this third post of reimagining healthcare Prof. Dominic Rohner examines how conflict is linked to the health of a population. What if investing in health could reduce social conflict and strengthen peace?
Congratulations to the Ph.D. graduates of 2024 Published on 22.11.24
Congratulations to the Ph.D. graduates of 2024
29 students obtained a PhD degree from the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Lausanne in 2023-2024. Prof. Valérie Chavez-Demoulin, Vice-Dean, warmly congratulated them for their achievement during the Annual Doctoral Event on November 21st, 2024.
Reimagine Series: Healthcare – Coping with the shifting burden of disease Published on 21.11.24
Reimagine Series: Healthcare – Coping with the shifting burden of disease
Non-communicable diseases account for 75% of global deaths, with developing countries particularly hard hit. In this 2nd part of the Reimagine series, Prof. Jürgen Maurer explores how innovative, context-specific approaches can transform the management of these diseases.
"Reimagine Series: Healthcare": Is it time to put a price on life ?
Published on 19.11.24
"Reimagine Series: Healthcare": Is it time to put a price on life ?
At a time when healthcare costs are skyrocketing, the question arises: how can healthcare systems be reimagined? In this first installment, Prof. Pascal St-Amour examines how to assess the value of a human life.
Bruno Le Maire appointed visiting Professor at the Enterprise for Society Centre (E4S) Published on 13.09.24
Bruno Le Maire appointed visiting Professor at the Enterprise for Society Centre...
The former French finance minister will teach at E4S's three academic institutions and contribute to research on the nexus between business and politics.
The Master’s in Management at HEC Lausanne ranked among the 50 best programs in the world Published on 09.09.24
The Master’s in Management at HEC Lausanne ranked among the 50 best programs in the...
The Financial Times published its annual ranking of the best Master’s in Management programs in the world (FT Ranking 2024). HEC Lausanne (UNIL) is proud to announce that it was ranked in the top 50, an increase of 7 places compared with last year.
Giuseppe Sorrenti, new Tenure-Track Assistant Professor at HEC Lausanne Published on 03.09.24
Giuseppe Sorrenti, new Tenure-Track Assistant Professor at HEC Lausanne
On July 1, 2024, Giuseppe Sorrenti joined the Department of Economics, at the Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Lausanne. At the crossroads of economics, psychology and sociology, his research focuses on equal opportunities and human capital.
Video series  "Décrypté" - For an analysis of peace factors in the world
Published on 11.06.24
Video series "Décrypté" - For an analysis of peace factors in the world
How can we avoid violence, war and armed conflict? What factors can help foster peace? Discover the fascinating work of Prof. Dominic Rohner in the 2nd episode of our video series Décrypté, co-produced by HEC Lausanne, L'éprouvette and Mousqueterre.

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