Mr. THORNG Tedya Raksmey is a researcher from University of Law and Economics, Cambodia. He holds a master degree in insurance law from University of Jean Moulin Lyon 3, France, and he is doing his Phd at the same university in civil liability law. His research focus on insurance law, contractual and tort liability, especially the compensation of damages (moral, bodily injury, and property).
Mrs. Nguyen Thi Lan Huong is the Deputy Head of Department of International Trade Law and a lecturer in the Faculty of International Law, Ho Chi Minh city University of Law (HCMUL). She received a Master's degree in law from Nagoya University, Japan in 2012 within the framework of human resources development scholarship funded by the Japanese government. She is currently a PhD Candidate at UNIL. Her dissertation relates to international investment law and sustainable development. Huong teaches and researches in the area of international trade law, international sales contract, WTO law, international investment law with a particular focus on the balance between trade and environment. Huong’s most recent books is “Investor-State dispute settlement: legal issues and practice in the context of intergartion”, 2018 (Co-editor and Co-author). She is a co-author of several chapters in the Text book on International Trade Law Part I and Part II, HCMUL. She is also a co-author of the book "Understanding WTO Law through a number of cases on subsidies" (Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Tran Thi Thuy Duong).
M. LE Tran Quoc Cong, Professeur et chercheur à L’Université de Droit de Ho Chi Minh Ville, Vietnam depuis 2014. Actuellement, il donne des cours sur le droit international du commerce, le droit de l’arbitrage vietnamien, le droit du contrat international de marchandises et règlement des litiges de commerce international. Il a obtenu un Master 2 en Droit international et comparé des affaires par l’Université de Bordeaux dans le cadre de coopération entre l’Université de Bordeaux, l’Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, l’Université Lyon 3 Jean Moulin et l’Université de Droit de Ho Chi Minh Ville. Ses recherches portent principalement sur le droit international du commerce électronique et le droit commercial international. Prof. Andreas R. Ziegler l'a invité en qualité de chercheur et à travailler à l'UNIL pour une période de trois mois dans le Cadre du programme HR2020.
Trong Luan NGUYEN Actuellement enseignant de la Faculté de Droit Civil à l’Université de Droit de Ho Chi Minh Ville au Vietnam. M. Trong Luan Nguyen est titulaire d'un Master 2 en droit de l’immatériel et des technologies de l’information délivré par l’Université Toulouse 1 Capitole. Son principal domaine de recherche est l’ensemble des problèmes juridiques relatifs à la propriété intellectuelle et à la protection des biens incorporels (droit d’auteur, droits voisins, brevet d’invention, marque, dessins et modèles industriels, indication géographique, obtention végétale, etc.). Par ailleurs, il s’intéresse aussi à un autre domaine, celui de la responsabilité délictuelle. Il est invité par Prof. Andreas R. Ziegler en qualité de chercheur à l’Université de Lausanne pour une période de 3 mois dans le cadre du programme HR2020.
Dr. Dina Chhorn received his Ph.D. in Economics from University of Bordeaux in France, where he has also taught Econometrics and Statistics. In Cambodia, he has taught Public Economics, Inferential Statistics and World Economic History at Royal University of Law and Economics. In Switzerland, he pursues Postdoc Research in the Economics of Globalization, Inequality and Poverty in Asia at University of Lausanne.
Soulita Tiengmany visited the Chair of International Law at the CDCEI as part of the EU Project Horizon 2020 as a guest researcher from September 2019 to February 2020. She is a Lecturer with the Department of Finance and Banking, Faculty of Economics and Business Management at the National University of Laos (NUOL), where she teaches English for finance, Basic and Advance finance, Banking and Insurance - Risk management. Soulita holds a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration from NUOL and Master Degree in Business from Unitec Institute of Technology, New Zealand. Her research interests are microfinance, microinsurance, risk management and researches in the field of insurance.