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Department of Oncology

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Inclusion des femmes en situation de handicap dans le monde professionnel
Dans le cadre de la journée internationale du handicap le 3 décembre, la Commission d’égalité, diversité et inclusion (EDI) de la Faculté de biologie et de médecine (FBM) de l’UNIL, en collaboration avec l’association M.E.T.I.S. et le Bureau de l’égalité de l’UNIL, vous invite à la projection du documentaire «Envolées» suivie par une table ronde et un apéritif.
Subsides de recherche SPARK du FNS: nouvelles et nouveaux récipiendaires UNIL-CHUV-Hôpital...
Parmi les nouveaux subsides de recherche SPARK financés par le FNS, cinq projets de la FBM (UNIL-CHUV-Hôpital ophtalmique Jules-Gonin) ont été retenus.
New insights into TIL-Based Therapies and advances in cancer immunotherapy
Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) are a critical component of the immune system's response to cancer. These immune cells, which naturally infiltrate tumors, have shown great promise in adoptive cell therapy (ACT).
Remotely controlled CAR-T cells: a safer and more flexible approach to cancer immunotherapy
A recent study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) introduces a new all-in-one ON/OFF-switch chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) design enabling the remote control of T cell activity with two clinically approved drugs, offering a safer and more flexible cancer immunotherapy approach.
Prof. Johanna Joyce joins ADAPTMET: shaping the future of metastasis research
The ADAPTMET consortium, spearheaded by IRB Barcelona, is a collaborative effort involving 14 prominent institutions across Europe, including leading academic, clinical, and industrial organizations committed to cancer and metastasis research.
- The fundamental & translational research community of the Department of oncology UNIL CHUV
- Home to the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research Lausanne branch
- A collective of over 20 research labs at the University of Lausanne and the Lausanne University Hospital & 5 affiliated research labs at EPFL and the University of Geneva.
- A pole of excellence in the training and mentoring of the next generation of scientists and clinicians in oncology.
- A founding member of the Swiss Cancer Center Léman
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Ludwig Cancer ResearchUniversité de LausanneCentre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV)