
The Department of Actuarial Science (DSA) was created in 1981 to foster research in actuarial science and to continue HEC’s long tradition in actuarial education dating back to 1919.

Research of the DSA’s members covers a wide spectrum and is published in high quality international scientific journals. Faculty carries out research in Risk Theory, Credibility Theory, pricing of insurance and reinsurance contracts, mortality and longevity modeling, solvency, loss reserving, asset-liability management of insurance companies and pension funds, and mathematical finance. Actuarial science being multidisciplinary, the DSA’s researchers are also doing research in probability and stochastic processes, extreme value theory, and Monte Carlo simulation methods, that are tools essential for the development of actuarial and financial theories and their implementations.

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Phd thesis

In preparation (1)

Publications (34)


The Department of Actuarial Science (DSA) was created in 1981 to foster research in actuarial science and to continue HEC’s long tradition in actuarial education dating back to 1919.

Research of the DSA’s members covers a wide spectrum and is published in high quality international scientific journals. Faculty carries out research in Risk Theory, Credibility Theory, pricing of insurance and reinsurance contracts, mortality and longevity modeling, solvency, loss reserving, asset-liability management of insurance companies and pension funds, and mathematical finance. Actuarial science being multidisciplinary, the DSA’s researchers are also doing research in probability and stochastic processes, extreme value theory, and Monte Carlo simulation methods, that are tools essential for the development of actuarial and financial theories and their implementations.

Association of MBAs (AMBA)EFMD EQUIS AccreditedQuantitative Techniques for Economics & Management (QTEM)Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME)