Press and media


Link Subject Research groups
RTS la 1ère - CQFD - February 20th 2017 "Les frileux en vedette" Amati Lab
RTS la 1ère - CQFD - December 1th 2016 "Il n’y a pas d’âge pour les bienfaits du sport" Amati Lab


Link Subject Research groups
RTS - 36.9° - June 6th 2018 "Vieillir Musclé" Amati Lab
RSI - Falò - July 26th 2018 "Invecchiare in forma, è possibile?" Amati Lab
RTS - 36.9° - April 11th 2018 "L’Amérique à vélo : l’incroyable défi d’une ex-sédentaire" Amati Lab
TSR - 19h30 - December 1th 2016 "Le sport a des effets bénéfiques pour les seniors" Amati Lab


Research groups Subject Link
Men’s health magazine Online - May 2012 "Diabetes-Proof Your Body" Amati Lab
Sport Medicine Bulletin “Active Voice” - June 2012  "How much exercise is needed to improve insulin resistance?" Amati Lab
L’uniscope n° 603 - 27 avril au_24 mai 2015.pdf  (102 Ko) "Le goût dans tous les sens" Broillet Lab
Sport Medicine Bulletin “Active Voice” - March 2016 "Muscle gets better with age - enhanced oxidative capacity in lifelong endurance athletes!" Amati Lab
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