Aline Delédevant

First-steps project:

Do flies become less intelligent in the laboratory environment?

Supervisor(s): Vukasin Zrelec & Tadeusz Kawecki


Master thesis:

Host discrimination by a vector in a natural avian malaria system

Supervisor(s): Philippe Christe


Publications related to Master thesis:

Lalubin F., Delédevant A., Glaizot O., Christe P., 2014. Natural malaria infection reduces starvation resistance of nutritionally stressed mosquitoes. Journal of Animal Ecology 83(4) pp. 850-857.

Lalubin F., Delédevant A., Glaizot O., Christe P., 2013. Temporal changes in mosquito abundance (Culex pipiens), avian malaria prevalence and lineage composition. Parasites & Vectors 6 p. 307.




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