Olivier Darbellay

First-steps project:

Sex-ratio distortion in a grayling population (Thymallus thymallus; Salmonidae) caused by the 2003 heat wave?

Supervisor(s): Claus Wedekind / Manuel Pompini


Master thesis:

Behaviour of Alpine chamois (Rupicapra Rupicapra) during the weaning period, cost and interactions

Supervisor(s): Alexandre Roulin



Publication related to this master:

Wedekind C., Evanno G., Székely T., Pompini M., Darbellay O., Guthruf J., 2013. Persistent unequal sex ratio in a population of grayling (Salmonidae) and possible role of temperature increase. Conservation Biology 27(1) pp. 229-234.

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