Administrative procedures
For students who want to do the Master project in another institution, the deadline for the registration is April 15, so as to enable the Council of the School of Biology to approve your proposal.
The application file, compiled by the student, must include:
The project description must enable members of the Council of the School of Biology to judge the scientific content of the proposed project and to determine if it corresponds to the expected level for a Master project.
The CV of the external Director must enable members of the Council of the School of Biology to evaluate if the person, according to his skills, experience and work environment will be able to support the student in the achievement of the practical work, the analysis of the results, the writing of the report… while offering satisfactory work conditions.
The choice of the UNIL Director is also important to consider because he/she will guarantee that the work done conforms to the requirements of a UNIL Master project. We invite you to discuss this issue with your head of the Master.
For Master projects proposed in a public or nonprofit organization, the student may receive limited financial support (eg. for field trip fees). To apply, the student must complete his·her application with a detailed budget, emitted and signed by the external Director stating that the fees mentioned cannot be supported by the host organization. This document must also be approved by the co-Director UNIL.
Kindly note that you will also have to make your 3 choices of Master projects on the database online offered by UNIL. In case your external Master project is not accepted by the Council of the School of Biology, your UNIL project choices will be considered.
Additional information for projects abroad only
Please note that if you do your Master project abroad, you will have to plan to leave only after the summer exam session, which means around the beginning of July.
Finally, we would like you to pay attention to the fact that for a Master project abroad, students are responsible for all the administrative steps and no financial support can be granted outside of the agreements that UNIL has with some foreign universities (agreements).
Assistance and insurance while abroad
Information on assistance and insurance while abroad.