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Specific training objectives

Microbiology is a fascinating area of science, with many different aspects enabling excellent career prospects. Microbial sciences are very well represented in the Lausanne academic and hospital environments. At the end of the studies, students taking the Microbiology specialisation :

  • are able to mobilise in-depth knowledge in a wide range of advanced topics in microbial sciences, covering aspects of plant and environmental microbiology, microbial ecology, biotechnology, synthetic biology, cell microbiology, virology, microbial pathogenesis, bacteriology, fungal biology, yeast models, epidemiology and (clinical) diagnostics.
  • are able to plan and carry out personal research in microbial sciences, notably in the fields mentioned above and are prepared for fundamental, medical or applied research
  • are prepared for careers in areas related to microbial sciences, such as diagnostics, biotechnology, academic or industry research, clinical microbiology, environmental management, administration, teaching, public outreach, scientific journalism and research management.

The programme is mainly given by teachers from the Department of Fundamental Microbiology-UNIL and the Institute of Microbiology-CHUV.


The Microbiology specialisation shares two common activities with the other Molecular Life Sciences students: a unique course on (microbial) genome sequencing, covering sequencing technology, assembly and annotation, and genome-wide transcription analysis (RNAseq) and a course on writing a scientific review and a research proposal.

The programme further offers a wide range of optional courses, which cover specific major areas in modern microbiology research. A personalised curriculum can be assembled using additional courses from the other Master's programmes, under the condition that sufficient credits are chosen among the microbiology courses.

Finally, the programme includes a First step project, which can be carried out in any area of the Master's programme, and a personal Master research project that must be conducted on a topic in microbiology.



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Prof. Yolanda Schaerli
Department of Fundamental Microbiology

In charge of the Microbiology specialisation

Biophore office 2452
Tel. +41 21 692 56 02

For any administrative question (e.g. registration, equivalencies, etc.) : please contact the School of Biology.

Descriptive Flyer
in Microbiology



CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 40 10
Fax +41 21 692 40 05