
A platform making research on climate extremes as interdisciplinary and society-oriented as possible


Connecting and helping both faculties

One mission of ECCE consists in:

  • Understanding the needs in statistics (e.g., extreme-value theory) of the FGSE scientists in atmospheric sciences and climate-related geosciences, and directing them to the suited persons at HEC.
  • Reciprocally, helping HEC researchers in statistics, actuarial science and green finance to find the necessary expertise within FGSE in climate-related disciplines.

Producing interdisciplinary and society-oriented research

Solving current challenges using statistics (including machine learning) only or physics (atmospheric dynamics, atmospheric physics, climate physics) and chemistry only is inconceivable. Essential questions at ECCE when defining and carrying out research projects are:

  • How statistics, especially extreme-value theory could improve the forecast, projection, and modelling of extreme climate events?
  • What are the best ways to combine physics and statistics in weather prediction models and climate models?

The answer to these can only emerge through a close collaboration between the respective disciplines that needs to be fostered within a formal framework. The latter is precisely offered by ECCE thanks to the pluridisciplinarity of its team and affiliated members as well as to an active coordination. 

Using this interdisciplinary philosophy, ECCE defines, coordinates and carries out research projects at the UNIL level, but also at the national and international levels through strong partnerships with universities (EPFL, ETHZ, UNIBE, UNIGE), public offices and private companies. The performed research is driven by concrete societal needs emerging from the exchanges with our public and private partners.