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Faculty of Theology and Sciences of Religions
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Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
Faculty of Business and Economics
Faculty of Geosciences and Environment
Faculty of Biology and Medicine
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Faculty of Biology and Medicine
School of biology
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Computational Biology
Molecular Plant Biology
Integrative Center for Genomics
Ecology and Evolution
Fundamental Microbiology
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Biomedical Sciences
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School of biology
External summer programs
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Summer Undergraduate
External summer programs
External summer programs
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There is a non exhaustive Summer Programmes list:
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Websites listing summer research programs
Summer and Winter Schools (UNIL)
Summer Schools in Europe
International Scholarships Positions
International Scholarships
Internships and Summer Research Opportunities
Unica Summer Schools
Programmes in Europe
Amgen Scholars
Amgen Scholars Program at the Karolinska Institutet
Amgen Scholars Program at the University of Cambridge
Amgen Scholars Program at the Ludwig-Maximilians Universität Munchen
Biotechnology Summer School of the University of Kent
European Polymer Federation (EPF) Summer School in Italy
International Summer Science School Heidelberg
Osnabrück University's International Summer School Program
Research Summer School of the University of Angers
Summer studentships of the University College London
Summer Studentships of the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Summer Internship of the German Cancer Research Center
Summer Interniship Program in diabetes at the helmholtz Munich (SIP)
Summer Research Program of the Ludwig-Maximilians Universität Munchen
Undergraduate Summer Research Training Programme of the John Innes Centre
University of Padua, Italy
Vienna Biocenter Summer School
Programmes in Switzerland
Biozentrum Research Summer (Basel)
Summer Research Program in Life Sciences and Technology at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Summer Undergraduate Research Programme, University of Lausanne (UNIL)
Zurich International Biology Undergraduate Summer School
Programmes in North America
Harvard Stem Cell Institute Internship Program
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program of the Rockefeller University
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships program of the California Institute of Technology
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellows Program of the Scripps Research Institute
Undergraduate Program of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Undergraduate Research Program of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowships of the American Physiological Society
Other programs
CUHK Summer Undergraduate Research Programme (Hong Kong)
Singapore Global Research Internship
Kupcinet-Getz International Summer Science School of the Weizmann Institute
Research Internship Programme of the University of Tokyo
Summer City Internships Program
Summer Research Program of the University of Queensland
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