Good Writing Practices

How to develop Good Writing Practices?

Each PhD student has to acquire good writing practices during the doctorate training.


The following resources are part of the learning process:

  • Regular discussions and feed-back from the thesis director and the committee,
  • The use of the UNIL on-line tutorial Epigeum 
  • The courses about scientific writing (organized by the Doctoral School FBM, the School of Languages UNIL & the CUSO transversal program
  • A new FBM course about "ethics, scientific integrity & plagiarism" (summer/autumn 2021).
  • The regular use of a reference management software (e.g. Zotero)
  • The regular use of the plagiarism detection tool called COMPILATIO. Professors, members of the « corps intermédiaire » of UNIL & PhD students should have automaticaly access to the tool.
  • Consultations (need of advice) & accesses to COMPILATIO can be provided when requested to:
  • Website to consult: Plagiarism- UNIL
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