The Team of the Doctoral School
Prof. Niko Geldner, PhD Director UNIL-Sorge Tel. +41 21 692 41 92 |
Prof. John Prior, PhD MD vice-Director CHUV Tel. +41 21 314 43 47 |
Laura De Santis, PhD Adjointe, doctoral education affairs manager & communication Amphipôle - office 316 Tel. +41 21 692 40 02 |
Alexandre Jordan, MA Communication and management specialist Amphipôle - office 316 Tel. +41 21 692 40 04 |
Alexandra Cassoli Manager of the thesis office - Life Sciences, Humanities & Nursing Sciences Amphipôle - office 324 Tel. +41 21 692 40 00
Livia Ioni Coordinator Amphipôle - office 324 Tel. +41 21 692 40 01 Cancer & Immunology, Ecology & Evolution, Microbial Sciences: Email contact
Séverine Rijken Doctorate in Medicine (MD) Amphipôle - office 304 Tel. +41 21 692 40 24
Miriam Milazzo MD-PhD & Fellowships Amphipôle - office 304 Tel. +41 21 692 40 06 (MD-PhD) Email contact Fellowships Email contact
Martina Ravera Office Reception, Administrative support for the PhD in Life Sciences, mid-term exams Amphipôle - office 324 Tel. +41 21 692 40 09 |
Life Sciences free study option & Humanities Livia Ioni +41 21 692 40 01 (credits' file & courses registration)
DrSc. Laura De Santis +41 21 692 40 02 (academic advisor)
Cancer & Immunolgy Nathalie Colin Garret +41 21 692 57 35 (registration for the program and specific activities) Livia Ioni +41 21 692 40 01 (credits)
Cardiovascular & Metabolism DrSc. Ulrike Toepel +41 21 692 40 14
Ecology & Evolution Livia Ioni + 41 21 692 40 01
Microbial Sciences Livia Ioni + 41 21 692 40 01
Quantitative Biology Melinda Mischler +41 21 692 39 30 |
Lemanic Neuroscience Doctoral School DrSc. Ulrike Toepel +41 21 692 40 14 |