Current theses

Swiss Direct Democracy in the 21st Century (SDD-21)

Nursel Alkoç, (dir. Georg Lutz):  Representation in Swiss political and social surveys and its implications for electoral participation and party choice research

Bugliari Goggia Atanasio, (dir. Florence Passy): Rivolte nelle banlieues. Una classe sociale privata delle opportunita politiche ?

Thesis defended May 30, 2024

Baptiste Dufournet , (dir. Florence Passy): Mapping the civic world. How the mind shapes activism

Anna Herczeg Brayer, (dir. Florence Passy): Illiberal Democracy? Different “Islands of Meanings” on the Hungarian Radical Right

Lukas Lauener, (dir. Anke Tresch): Switzerland and the European Union – a love-hate story. Multifaceted attitudes and priorities regarding the relationship between Switzerland and the EU

Emilia Meini (dir. Oscar Mazzoleni): Connecting Populism and Conspiracy Theories : a comparative analysis of Four Western European Radical Right-Wing Parties

Jessy Sparer (dir. Lionel Marquis): LES FONDEMENTS MORAUX DU VOTE : Moralité, votations et campagnes en démocratie directe



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