Les travaux menés par les chercheur·euse·s de la faculté apportent une contribution notable au débat scientifique et économique. Ces recherches sont publiées dans les revues scientifiques internationales de première importance.
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Les travaux menés par les chercheur·euse·s de la faculté apportent une contribution notable au débat scientifique et économique. Ces recherches sont publiées dans les revues scientifiques internationales de première importance.
Les articles ci-dessous ont été publiés dans les revues scientifiques FT50 par les chercheur·euse·s de HEC Lausanne.
FT50 se réfère à la liste de revues scientifiques utilisées par le Financial Times afin d'évaluer la qualité de la recherche académique et de procéder aux classements des business schools.
Adena, M., Hakimov, R., & Huck, S. (2024). Charitable giving by the poor: A field experiment in Kyrgyzstan. Management Science.
Auray, S., Devereux, M. B., & Eyquem, A. (In press). Trade wars, nominal rigidities, and monetary policy. Review of Economic Studies, rdae075.
Bó, I., & Hakimov, R. (In press). Pick-an-object mechanisms. Management Science.
Bridoux, F., Bundy, J., Gond, J. P., Haack, P., Petriglieri, J. L., Stephens, J. P., & Sutcliffe, K. M. (2024). The New Normal: Prescriptive Theorizing for Positive Organizational Impact in an Age of Disruption. Academy of Management Review.
Cao, J., Goyal, A., Ke, S., & Zhan, X. (In press). Options trading and stock price informativeness. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
Dargnies, M. P., Hakimov, R., & Kübler, D. (In press). Aversion to hiring algorithms: Transparency, gender profiling, and self-confidence. Management Science.
Folini, D., Friedl, A., Kübler, F., & Scheidegger, S. (2024). The climate in climate economics. Review of Economic Studies, rdae011.
Goyal, A., Jegadeesh, N., & Subrahmanyam, A. (In press). Empirical determinants of momentum: A perspective using international data. Review of Finance.
Goyal, A., Wahal, S., & Yavuz, M. D. (In press). Choosing investment managers. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
Hendershott, T., Li, D., Livdan, D., & Schürhoff, N. (2024). When failure is an option: Fragile liquidity in over-the-counter markets. Journal of Financial Economics.
Holburn, G. L., Maxwell, J. W., & Bonardi, J. P. (2024). Safe Bets, Long Shots, and Toss-Ups: Strategic Engagements Between Activists and Firms. Management Science.
MacLeod, W. B., Lara, V. V., & Zehnder, C. (In press). Worker empowerment and subjective evaluation: On building an effective conflict culture. Management Science.
Menkveld, A. J., Dreber, A., Holzmeister, F., Huber, J., Johannesson, M., Kirchler, M., ... Schuerhoff, N., Mihet, R., & Khomyn, M. K. (2024). Nonstandard errors. The Journal of Finance.
Peukert, C. (2024). Copyright levies and cloud storage: Ex-ante policy evaluation with a field experiment. Research Policy.
Peukert, C., Sen, A., & Claussen, J. (In press). The editor and the algorithm: Recommendation technology in online news. Management science.
van Dijke, M., Guo, Y., Wildschut, T., & Sedikides, C. (In press). Perceived organizational change strengthens organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior via increased organizational nostalgia. Journal of Applied Psychology.
Bacchetta, P., Tieche, S., & Van Wincoop, E. (2023). International portfolio choice with frictions: Evidence from mutual funds. The Review of Financial Studies.
Bacchetta, P., van Wincoop, E., & Young, E. R. (2023). Infrequent Random Portfolio Decisions in an Open Economy Model. The Review of Economic Studies.
Bonardi, J. P., Gallea, Q., Kalanoski, D., & Lalive, R. (2023). Managing pandemics: How to contain COVID-19 through internal and external lockdowns and their release. Management Science.
Choudhary, V., Marchetti, A., Shrestha, Y.R., Puranam, P. (2023). Human-AI Ensembles: When Can They Work? Journal of Management.
Gibbons, R., Grieder, M., Herz, H., & Zehnder, C. (2023). Building an equilibrium: Rules vs. principles in relational contracts. Organization Science.
Heller, S., Ullrich, J., & Mast, M. S. (2023). Power at work: Linking objective power to psychological power. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
Jasinenko, A. and Steuber, J. (2023), Perceived Organizational Purpose: Systematic Literature Review, Construct Definition, Measurement and Potential Employee Outcomes. Journal of Management Studies.
Kaiser, F., Cuntz, A., & Peukert, C. (2023). Batman forever? The role of trademarks for reuse in the US comics industry. Research Policy.
Laferrière, V., Staubli, D., & Thöni, C. (2023). Explaining excess entry in winner-take-all markets. Management Science.
Melloni, G., Patacconi, A., & Vikander, N. (2023). Cashing in on the culture wars? CEO activism, wokewashing, and firm value. Strategic Management Journal.
2023): Theorizing for Positive Impact. Academy of Management Review.
, (Schembera, S., Haack, P., & Scherer, A. G. (2023). From compliance to progress: A sensemaking perspective on the governance of corruption. Organization Science.
Wei, Y., Jia, N., & Bonardi, J. P. (2023). Corporate political connections: A multidisciplinary review. Journal of Management.
Albrecher, H., & Goffard, P. O. (2022). On the profitability of selfish blockchain mining under consideration of ruin. Operations Research.
Antonakis, J., d’Adda, G., Weber, R. A., & Zehnder, C. (2022). "Just words? Just speeches?" On the economic value of charismatic leadership. Management Science.
Dàvila, A., & Guasch, M. (2022). Managers’ Body Expansiveness, Investor Perceptions, and Firm Forecast Errors and Valuation. Journal of Accounting Research.
Lo, D., Zanarone, G., & Ghosh, M. (2022). Contracting to (dis) incentivize? An integrative transaction‐cost approach on how contracts govern specific investments. Strategic Management Journal.
Peukert, C., & Reimers, I. (2022). Digitization, Prediction, and Market Efficiency: Evidence from Book Publishing Deals. Management Science.
Peukert, C., Bechtold, S., Batikas, M., & Kretschmer, T. (2022). Regulatory spillovers and data governance: Evidence from the GDPR. Marketing Science.
Amis, J., Brickson, S., Haack, P., & Hernandez, M. (2021). Taking Inequality Seriously. Editorial for the Academy of Management Review.
Becerra, M., & Markarian, G. (2021). Why Are Firms with Lower Performance More Volatile and Unpredictable? A Vulnerability Explanation of the Bowman Paradox. Organization Science.
Cavotta, V., Palazzo, G., & Vaccaro, A. (2021). Mobilizing After Corporate Environmental Irresponsibility in a Community of Place: A Framing Microprocess Perspective. Journal of Business Ethics.
Crawford, S., Markarian, G., Muslu, V., & Price, R. (2021). Oil prices, earnings, and stock returns. Review of Accounting Studies.
Gourieroux, C., Monfort, A., Mouabbi, S., & Renne, J. P. (2021). Disastrous Defaults. Review of Finance.
Haack P., Martignoni D., & Schoeneborn D. (2021). A bait-and-switch model of corporate social responsibility. Academy of Management Review.
Haack, P., Schilke, O. & Zucker, L. (2021), Legitimacy Revisited: Disentangling Propriety, Validity, and Consensus. J. Management Studies.
Hakimov, R., C.-Philipp H., Dorothea, K., & Morimitsu K. (2021). How to Avoid Black Markets for Appointments with Online Booking Systems. American Economic Review.
Holm, M. B., Paul, P., & Tischbirek, A. (2021). The transmission of monetary policy under the microscope. Journal of Political Economy.
Jondeau, E., Zhang, Q., & Zhu, X. (2021). When Are Stocks Less Volatile in the Long Run?. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
Monfort, A., Pegoraro, F., Renne, J. P., & Roussellet, G. (2021). Affine Modeling of Credit Risk, Pricing of Credit Events, and Contagion. Management Science.
Nikolov, B., Schmid, L., & Steri, R. (2021). The Sources of Financing Constraints. Journal of Financial Economics.
Becerra, M., Markarian, G., & Santalo, J. (2020). The effect of import competition on product diversification revisited. Strategic Management Journal.
Bitektine, A., Haack, P., Bothello, J., & Mair, J. (2020). Inhabited actors: Internalizing institutions through communication and actorhood models. Journal of Management Studies.
Castañer X., Oliveira N. (2020), Collaboration, coordination and cooperation between organizations: Establishing the distinctive meanings of these terms through a systematic literature review. Journal of Management.
Chordia, T., Goyal, A., & Saretto, A. (2020). Anomalies and false rejections. The Review of Financial Studies.
Conti A., Graham S.J. H., (2020). Valuable Choices: Prominent Venture Capitalists’ Influence on Startup CEO Replacements. Management Science.
Hendershott, T., Li, D., Livdan, D., & Schürhoff, N. (2020). Relationship trading in Over-the-Counter markets. The Journal of Finance.
Schlager, T., de Bellis, E., & Hoegg, J. (2020). How and when weather boosts consumer product valuation. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.
Roche, M. P., Conti, A., & Rothaermel, F. T. (2020). Different founders, different venture outcomes: A comparative analysis of academic and non-academic startups. Research Policy.
Roulin, N., & Krings, F. (2020). Faking to fit in: Applicants’ response strategies to match organizational culture. Journal of Applied Psychology.
Conti A., Dass N., Di Lorenzo F., Graham S.J.H., (2019). Venture capital investment strategies under financing constraints: Evidence from the 2008 financial crisis. Research Policy.
Couttenier, M., Petrencu, V., Rohner, D., & Thoenig, M. (2019). The Violent Legacy of Conflict: Evidence on Asylum Seekers, Crime, and Public Policy in Switzerland. American Economic Review.
Baginski S.P., Demers E., Kausar A., Yu Y.J. (2018). Linguistic tone and the small trader. Accounting, Organizations and Society.
Bruyaka O., Philippe D., Castañer X. (2018). Run Away or Stick Together? The Impact of Organization-Specific Adverse Events on Alliance Partner Defection. Academy of Management Review.
Chen J., Demers E., Lev B. (2018). Oh What a Beautiful Morning! Diurnal Influences on Executives and Analysts: Evidence from Conference Calls. Management Science.
Conti, A. (2018). Entrepreneurial finance and the effects of restrictions on government R&D subsidies. Organization Science.
Goyal A., & Jegadeesh N. (2018). Cross-sectional and time-series tests of return predictability: What is the difference?. The Review of Financial Studies.
Haack P., Sieweke J. (2018). The Legitimacy of Inequality: Integrating the Perspectives of System Justification and Social Judgment.Journal of Management Studies.
Kämpfen F., Maurer J. (2018). Does education help “old dogs” learn “new tricks”? The lasting impact of early-life education on technology use among older adults. Research Policy.
Lonati S., Quiroga B.F., Zehnder C., & Antonakis J. (2018). On doing relevant and rigorous experiments: Review and recommendations. Journal of Operations Management.
Mohan B., Schlager T., Deshpandé R., Norton M. I. (2018). Consumers Avoid Buying From Firms With Higher CEO‐to‐Worker Pay Ratios. Journal of Consumer Psychology.
Mata J., Alves C. (2018). The survival of firms founded by immigrants: institutional distance between home and host country and experience in the host country. Strategic Management Journal.
Montez J. V., Ruiz-Aliseda F., Ryall M. D. (2018). Competitive intensity and its two-sided effect on the boundaries of firm performance. Management Science.
Morellec E., Nikolov B., Schürhoff N. (2018). Agency Conflicts Around the World. Review of Financial Studies.
Tiefenbeck V., Goette L., Degen K., Tasic V., Fleisch E., Lalive R., Staake T. (2018). Overcoming Salience Bias: How Real-Time Feedback Fosters Resource Conservation. Management Science.
Antonakis J., House R.J., Simonton D.K. (2017). Can super smart leaders suffer from too much of a good thing? The curvilinear effect of intelligence on perceived leadership behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology.
Berman N., Couttenier M., Rohner D., Thoenig M. (2017). This mine is mine! How minerals fuel conflicts in Africa. American Economic Review.
Brumm, J., & Scheidegger, S. (2017). Using adaptive sparse grids to solve high‐dimensional dynamic models. Econometrica.
Chordia T., Goyal A., Nozawa Y., Subrahmanyam A., Tong Q. (2017). Are Capital Market Anomalies Common to Equity and Corporate Bond Markets? An Empirical Investigation. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
De Treville S., Ketokivi M., Singhal V. (2017). Competitive manufacturing in a high-cost environment: Introduction to the special issue. Journal of Operations Management.
De Treville S., Cattani K., Saarinen L. (2017). Technical note: Option-based costing and the volatility portfolio. Journal of Operations Management, 49, 77-81.
Dimopoulos T., Sacchetto S. (2017). Merger Activity in Industry Equilibrium. Journal of Financial Economics.
Dogan B. (2017). How to control controlled school choice: comment. American Economic Review.
Fischer T., Dietz J., Antonakis J. (2017). Leadership process models : A review and synthesis. Journal of Management.
Hoisl, K., Gruber, M., & Conti, A. (2017). R&D team diversity and performance in hypercompetitive environments. Strategic Management Journal, 38(7), 1455-1477.
Hollifield B., Neklyudov A., Spatt C. (2017). Bid-Ask Spreads, Trading Networks, and the Pricing of Securitizations. Review of Financial Studies.
Koenig M., Rohner D., Thoenig M., Zilibotti F. (2017). Networks in Conflict: Theory and Evidence from the Great War of Africa. Econometrica.
Morricone S., Munari F., Oriani R., de Rassenfosse G. (2017). Commercialization Strategy and IPO Underpricing. Research Policy.
Bitektine, A., & Haack, P. (2015). The “macro” and the “micro” of legitimacy: Toward a multilevel theory of the legitimacy process. Academy of Management Review.
Caselli F., Morelli M., Rohner D. (2015). The Geography of Inter-State Resource Wars. The Quarterly Journal of Economics.
Cohn A., Fehr E., Goette L. (2015). Fair wages and effort provision: Combining evidence from the lab and the field. Management Science.
Engle R., Jondeau E., Rockinger M. (2015). Systemic Risk in Europe. Review of Finance.
Esteban J., Morelli M., Rohner D. (2015). Strategic Mass Killings. Journal of Political Economy.
Gonin M. (2015). Adam Smith’s Contribution to Business Ethics, Then and Now. Journal of Business Ethics.
Goyal A., Wahal S. (2015). Is Momentum an Echo? Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
Gigerenzer G., Marewski J. N., (2015). Surrogate Science: The Idol of a Universal Method for Scientific Inference. Journal of Management.
Haack, P., & Schoeneborn, D. (2015). Is decoupling becoming decoupled from institutional theory? A commentary on Wijen. Academy of Management Review.
Heath T. B., Chatterjee S., Basuroy S., Hennig-Thurau T., Kocher B. (2015). Innovation Sequences over Iterated Offerings: A Relative Innovation, Comfort, and Stimulation Framework of Consumer Responses. Journal of Marketing.
Hendershott T., Livdan D., Schuerhoff N. (2015). Are Institutions Informed About News? Journal of Financial Economics.
Jacquart P., Antonakis J. (2015). When does charisma matter for top-level leaders? Effect of attributional ambiguity. Academy of Management Journal.
Lalive R., Landais C., Zweimüller J. (2015). Market Externalities of Large Unemployment Insurance Extension Programs. American Economic Review.
Morhart F., Malär L., Guèvremont A., Girardin F., Grohmann B. (2015). Brand Authenticity: An Integrative Framework and Measurement Scale. Journal of Consumer Psychology.
Pocheptsova, A., Petersen, F. E., & Etkin, J. (2015). Two birds, one stone? Positive mood makes products seem less useful for multiple-goal pursuit. Journal of Consumer Psychology.
Sturm R.E., Antonakis J. (2015). Interpersonal Power: A Review, Critique, and Research Agenda. Journal of Management.
Vaccaro A., Palazzo G. (2015). Values against Violence: Institutional Change in Societies Dominated by Organized Crime. Academy of Management Journal.
Busse J., Goyal A., Wahal S. (2014). Investing in a Global World. Review of Finance.
Castañer X., Mulotte L., Garrette B., Dussauge P. (2014). Governance mode vs. governance fit: Performance implications of make-or-ally choices for product innovation in the worldwide aircraft industry, 1942-2000. Strategic Management Journal.
Collet F., Philippe D. (2014). From hot cakes to cold feet: A contingent perspective on the relationship between market uncertainty and status homophily in the formation of alliances. Journal of Management Studies.
de Treville S., Bicer I., Chavez-Demoulin V., Hagspiel V., Schuerhoff N., Tasserit C., Wager S. (2014). Valuing lead time. Journal of Operations Management.
de Treville S., Schuerhoff N., Trigeorgis L., Avanzi B. (2014). Optimal Sourcing and Lead-Time Reduction under Evolutionary Demand Risk. Production and Operations Management.
de Treville S., Petty J. S., Wager S. (2014). Economies of Extremes: Lessons from Venture-Capital Decision Making. Journal of Operations Management.
Devezer B., Sprott D. E., Spangenberg E. R., Czellar S. (2014). Consumer Well-Being: Effects of Subgoal Failures and Goal Importance. Journal of Marketing.
Dietz J., Kleinlogel E.P. (2014). Wage cuts and managers’ empathy: How a positive emotion can contribute to positive organizational ethics in difficult times. Journal of Business Ethics.
Dimopoulos T., Sacchetto S. (2014). Preemptive Bidding, Target Resistance, and Takeover Premiums. Journal of Financial Economics.
Dong M., Ryan S.G., Zhang X.-J. (2014). Preserving Amortized Costs within a Fair-Value-Accounting Framework: Reclassification of Gains and Losses on Available-for-Sale Securities upon Realization. Review of Accounting Studies.
Head K., Mayer T., Thoenig M. (2014). Welfare and Trade without Pareto. American Economic Review.
Haack, P., & Scherer, A. G. (2014). Why sparing the rod does not spoil the child: A critique of the “strict father” model in transnational governance. Journal of Business Ethics.
Khayesi J., George G., Antonakis J. (2014). Kinship in entrepreneur networks: Performance effects of resource assembly in Africa. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice.
Lalive R., Schlosser A., Steinhauer A., Zweimüller J. (2014). Parental Leave and Mothers' Careers: The Relative Importance of Job Protection and Cash Benefits. Review of Economic Studies.
Lee Y.T., Antonakis J. (2014). When Preference Is Not Satisfied but the Individual Is: How Power Distance Affects Person-Job Fit. Journal of Management.
Mastrogiacomo S., Missonier S., Bonazzi R. (2014). Talk Before It’s Too Late: Reconsidering the Role of Conversation in Information Systems Project Management. Journal of Management Information Systems.
Nikolov, B., & Whited, T. M. (2014). Agency conflicts and cash: Estimates from a dynamic model. The Journal of Finance.
Petersen, F. E., & Hamilton, R. W. (2014). Confidence via correction: The effect of judgment correction on consumer confidence. Journal of Consumer Psychology.
Sato Y. (2014). Opacity in Financial Markets. Review of Financial Studies.
Hugonnier J., Pelgrin F., St-Amour P. (2013). Health and (Other) Asset Holdings. Review of Economic Studies.
Rohner D., Thoenig M., Zilibotti F. (2013). War Signals: A Theory of Trade, Trust and Conflict. Review of Economic Studies.
Scherer A.G., Palazzo G., Seidi D. (2013). Managing Legitimacy in Complex and Heterogeneous Environments: Sustainable Development in a Globalized World. Journal of Management Studies.
Zaheer A., Castañer X., Souder D. (2013). Synergy Sources, Target Autonomy and Integration in Acquisitions. Journal of Management.
Antonakis J., Fenley M., Liechti S. (2012). Learning charisma: Transform yourself into someone people want to follow. Harvard Business Review.
Goette L., Huffman D., Meier S., Sutter M. (2012). Competition Between Organizational Groups: Its Impact on Altruistic and Antisocial Motivations. Management Science.
Haack P., Schoeneborn D., Wickert C. (2012). Talking the Talk, Moral Entrapment, Creeping Commitment? Exploring Narrative Dynamics in Corporate Responsibility Standardization. Organization Studies.
Morellec E., Nikolov B., Schuerhoff N. (2012). Corporate Governance and Capital Structure Dynamics. The Journal of Finance.
Palazzo G., Krings F., Hoffrage U. (2012). Ethical Blindness. Journal of Business Ethics.
Les articles ci-dessous ont été publiés dans des revues scientifiques parmi les plus prestigieuses et sélectives sur le plan international, classées "A+" par HEC Lausanne. Ceci est une sélection parmi l’ensemble des travaux publiés par les chercheuses et chercheurs de HEC Lausanne. Pour la liste complète de ces travaux, veuillez consulter notre base de données de la recherche.
Adena, M., Hakimov, R., & Huck, S. (2024). Charitable giving by the poor: A field experiment in Kyrgyzstan. Management Science.
Auray, S., Devereux, M. B., & Eyquem, A. (In press). Trade wars, nominal rigidities, and monetary policy. Review of Economic Studies, rdae075.
Bridoux, F., Bundy, J., Gond, J. P., Haack, P., Petriglieri, J. L., Stephens, J. P., & Sutcliffe, K. M. (2024). The New Normal: Prescriptive Theorizing for Positive Organizational Impact in an Age of Disruption. Academy of Management Review.
Dargnies, M. P., Hakimov, R., & Kübler, D. (In press). Aversion to hiring algorithms: Transparency, gender profiling, and self-confidence. Management Science.
Folini, D., Friedl, A., Kübler, F., & Scheidegger, S. (2024). The climate in climate economics. Review of Economic Studies, rdae011.
Günther, S., & Hieber, P. (2024). Analyzing the interest rate risk of equity-indexed annuities via scenario matrices. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics.
Hendershott, T., Li, D., Livdan, D., & Schürhoff, N. (2024). When failure is an option: Fragile liquidity in over-the-counter markets. Journal of Financial Economics.
Herath Pathirannehelage, S., Shrestha, Y. R., & von Krogh, G. (In press). Design principles for artificial intelligence-augmented decision making: An action design research study. European Journal of Information Systems.
Holburn, G. L., Maxwell, J. W., & Bonardi, J. P. (2024). Safe Bets, Long Shots, and Toss-Ups: Strategic Engagements Between Activists and Firms. Management Science.
MacLeod, W. B., Lara, V. V., & Zehnder, C. (In press). Worker empowerment and subjective evaluation: On building an effective conflict culture. Management Science.
Menkveld, A. J., Dreber, A., Holzmeister, F., Huber, J., Johannesson, M., Kirchler, M., ... Schuerhoff, N., Mihet, R., & Khomyn, M. K. (2024). Nonstandard errors. The Journal of Finance.
Pallara, K., Renne, J.-P., (2024) Fiscal Limits and the Pricing of Eurobonds. Management Science.
Peukert, C., Sen, A., & Claussen, J. (In press). The editor and the algorithm: Recommendation technology in online news. Management science.
Bacchetta, P., Tieche, S., & Van Wincoop, E. (2023). International portfolio choice with frictions: Evidence from mutual funds. The Review of Financial Studies.
Bacchetta, P., van Wincoop, E., & Young, E. R. (2023). Infrequent Random Portfolio Decisions in an Open Economy Model. The Review of Economic Studies.
Bonardi, J. P., Gallea, Q., Kalanoski, D., & Lalive, R. (2023). Managing pandemics: How to contain COVID-19 through internal and external lockdowns and their release. Management Science.
Gibbons, R., Grieder, M., Herz, H., & Zehnder, C. (2023). Building an equilibrium: Rules vs. principles in relational contracts. Organization Science.
Laferrière, V., Staubli, D., & Thöni, C. (2023). Explaining excess entry in winner-take-all markets. Management Science.
Melloni, G., Patacconi, A., & Vikander, N. (2023). Cashing in on the culture wars? CEO activism, wokewashing, and firm value. Strategic Management Journal.
Montero, A. U., & Wagner, J. (2023). On potential information asymmetries in long-term care insurance: A simulation study using data from Switzerland. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics.
2023). Theorizing for Positive Impact. Academy of Management Review.
, (Schembera, S., Haack, P., & Scherer, A. G. (2023). From compliance to progress: A sensemaking perspective on the governance of corruption. Organization Science.
Aigner, M., Chavez-Demoulin, V., & Guillou, A. (2022). Measuring and comparing risks of different types. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics.
Albrecher, H., Cheung, E. C., Liu, H., & Woo, J. K. (2022). A bivariate Laguerre expansions approach for joint ruin probabilities in a two-dimensional insurance risk process. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics.
Albrecher, H., Finger, D., & Goffard, P. O. (2022). Blockchain mining in pools: Analyzing the trade-off between profitability and ruin. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics.
Albrecher, H., & Goffard, P. O. (2022). On the profitability of selfish blockchain mining under consideration of ruin. Operations Research.
Antonakis, J., d’Adda, G., Weber, R. A., & Zehnder, C. (2022). "Just words? Just speeches?" On the economic value of charismatic leadership. Management Science.
Dàvila, A., & Guasch, M. (2022). Managers’ Body Expansiveness, Investor Perceptions, and Firm Forecast Errors and Valuation. Journal of Accounting Research.
Peukert, C., & Reimers, I. (2022). Digitization, Prediction, and Market Efficiency: Evidence from Book Publishing Deals. Management Science.
Peukert, C., Bechtold, S., Batikas, M., & Kretschmer, T. (2022). Regulatory spillovers and data governance: Evidence from the GDPR. Marketing Science.
Amis, J., Brickson, S., Haack, P., & Hernandez, M. (2021). Taking Inequality Seriously. Editorial for the Academy of Management Review.
Arnold, S., & Glushko, V. (2021). Cause-specific mortality rates: Common trends and differences. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics.
Becerra, M., & Markarian, G. (2021). Why Are Firms with Lower Performance More Volatile and Unpredictable? A Vulnerability Explanation of the Bowman Paradox. Organization Science.
Chen, A., Hieber, P., & Rach, M. (2021). Optimal retirement products under subjective mortality beliefs. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics.
Holm, M. B., Paul, P., & Tischbirek, A. (2021). The transmission of monetary policy under the microscope. Journal of Political Economy.
Monfort, A., Pegoraro, F., Renne, J. P., & Roussellet, G. (2021). Affine Modeling of Credit Risk, Pricing of Credit Events, and Contagion. Management Science.
Nikolov, B., Schmid, L., & Steri, R. (2021). The Sources of Financing Constraints. Journal of Financial Economics.
Vincent, L., Albrecher, H., & Krvavych, Y. (2021). Structured reinsurance deals with reference to relative market performance. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics.
Couttenier, M., Petrencu, V., Rohner, D., & Thoenig, M. (2019). The Violent Legacy of Conflict: Evidence on Asylum Seekers, Crime, and Public Policy in Switzerland. American Economic Review.
Eisdorfer, A., Goyal, A., & Zhdanov, A. (2019). Equity Misvaluation and Default Options. The Journal of Finance.
Gouriéroux, C., Monfort, A., & Renne, J. P. (2019). Identification and Estimation in Non-Fundamental Structural VARMA Models. The Review of Economic Studies.
Harmon, D. J., Haack, P., & Roulet, T. J. (2019). Microfoundations of institutions: A matter of structure versus agency or level of analysis?. Academy of management review.
Jondeau E., Zhang Q., Zhu X., (2019). Average skewness matters. Journal of Financial Economics.
Kaakaï, S., Labit-Hardy, H., Arnold, S., El Karoui, N., (2019). How can a cause-of-death reduction be compensated for by the population heterogeneity? A dynamic approach. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics.
Li, D., & Schürhoff, N. (2019). Dealer networks. The Journal of Finance.
Ling, C. (2019). Asymptotics of multivariate conditional risk measures for Gaussian risks. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics.
Nikolov, B., Schmid, L., Steri, R., (2019). Dynamic Corporate Liquidity. Journal of Financial Economics.
Boumezoued A., Labit-Hardy H., El Karoui N., Arnold S. (2018). Cause-of-Death Mortality: What Can Be Learned From Population Dynamics? Insurance: Mathematics and Economics. 78, 301-315.
Baginski S.P., Demers E., Kausar A., Yu Y.J. (2018). Linguistic tone and the small trader. Accounting, Organizations and Society.
Biçer, I., Hagspiel, V., & De Treville, S. (2018). Valuing supply‐chain responsiveness under demand jumps. Journal of Operations Management.
Bruyaka O., Philippe D., Castañer X. (2018). Run Away or Stick Together? The Impact of Organization-Specific Adverse Events on Alliance Partner Defection. Academy of Management Review.
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Gerber H.U., Shiu E.S.W., Yang H. (2013). Valuing equity-linked death benefits in jump diffusion models. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 53, 615-623.
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Goette L., Huffman D., Meier S., Sutter M. (2012). Competition Between Organizational Groups: Its Impact on Altruistic and Antisocial Motivations. Management Science, 58(5), 948-960.
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Morellec E., Nikolov B., Schuerhoff N. (2012). Corporate Governance and Capital Structure Dynamics. The Journal of Finance, 67(3), 803-848.
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