Magasin CIIL

The MagCIIL is located in building C, room C109

The delivery times are negotiated with the societies but cannot be guaranteed by the MagCIIL.


Axon:(Applichem, Peqlab). Please place your orders prior to Thursday morning. Delivery for Friday if in stock in Switzerland, if not 10-12 days later.


Becton Dickinson

25% discount on all reagents

No delivery charge for orders over CHF 350, if not Sfr 43.-


Bioconcept: For items from NEB (New England Biolabs), Cell Signaling, SSI. Please place your orders prior to Friday morning. Delivery the following Tuesday or Thursday.


BioRad : Products may already be in stock. Please place your orders prior to Friday morning. Delivery the following Tuesday.


Biotechne: Conditions


Chemie Brunschwig : For items from Axygen, Biosolve, Eurobio. Please place your orders prior to Tuesday morning. Delivery the following Thursday.


Eppendorf : Please place your orders prior to Friday morning. Delivery the following Tuesday.


Life Technologies: For items from Gibco, Invitrogen, Ambion, Fermentas ThermosFisher Bioscences, ebiosciences Pierce/Perbio. Products may already be in stock. Please place your orders prior to Tuesday morning. Delivery the following Wednesday afternoon.

Minimum shipping and handling charges are Sfr 55.00 + Sfr 31.00 for ice, if not ordered via MagCIIL.


Macherey-Nagel : (Life Systems Design for the Bioanalysis) Products may already be in stock. Please place your orders prior to Friday morning. Delivery the following Tuesday.


Milian : Falcon, Nunc, Shield Scientific. Please place your orders prior to Friday morning, Delivery the following Wednesday afternoon.


Miltenyi : Please order directly.


Promega : Helix self service access with a card to freezer/fridge/RT at F3. No freight charges for items in stock.

Please place your orders prior to Friday morning. For articles not in stock, delivery the following Tuesday or Wednesday. Freight charges Sfr45.00 per order !


Qiagen : Products may be in stock. Please place your orders prior to Friday morning. Delivery the following Tuesday.


Sarstedt : Products may be in stock. Please place your orders prior to Tuesday morning. Delivery the following Thursday or Friday.


VDC-Faust : Products may be in stock. Please place your orders prior to Tuesday morning. Delivery the following Thursday.




Other information:

- There are no shipping charges for products not in stock at the MagCIIL from GE (Amersham), Roche, VWR, BD (antibodies and related only! not plastics), Sigma, Réactolab.

- Shipiing charges are added for products not in stock at MagCIIL from Macherey-Nagel, Vitaris or Qiagen.

- Shipping charges are in general added for all other companies.



Follow us:  
Chemin des Boveresses 155 - CP 51 - CH-1066 Epalinges
Tel. +41 21 692 5700
Fax +41 21 692 5705