Master in Medical Biology (Msc BM)

The Department of Immunobiology offers an international Master program in Medical Biology (MSc) with a speciality in immunology and cancer. The aims of the Master are to provide a comprehensive training in biology and human pathologies. This program is espacially suited for students interested in the interface between basic research and medical applications. Courses are given in English. The Master is an 18 month-program, divided into 3 parts.

 Information on Tracks here

The studies for the Master degrees are divided in 3 semesters:  

  • First semester: Common to all tracks: Comprises obligatory courses, lab classes and premaster work. Various biomedical topics are covered, including basic and translational aspects of metabolism, neuroscience, pharmacology and toxicology, immunology and cancer, infectious diseases. Students are also trained during this period to design and do a short independent research project in a lab of choice.
  • Second semester: Track "Immunology and Cancer": This track covers advanced courses in the classroom and at the bench.
    - Advanced concepts in immunology, and tumor biology
    - Immunological diseases and cancer
    - Techniques used in immunology research and cancer (Proteomics, cellular assays, histology, flow cytometry)
    - Modern e-learning exercises.

In all areas of specialization, students will undertake an independent 7-month research project (Masters thesis) under the supervision of a faculty member. The Department of Immunobiology together with the Ludwig Center for Cancer Research of the University of Lausanne (LICR@UNIL) and the University Hospital from Lausanne (CHUV) organize and offer courses for the track immunology & cancer.

  • Third semester: Track Immunology and Cancer
    Completion of the personal research project, ending with the writing and the Master thesis defense.
    NB: 2nd & 3rd semester: Focus on "Immunology and Cancer" / The Department of Immunobiology (DB-UNIL) is responsible for this branch.



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