© C. Kull
© C. Kull
About the Political ecologies seminar series
The « Political ecologies (in the plural) seminar series » invites inquiries that are multiple, overlapping, converging, and contradictory, drawing upon approaches and practices ranging from multi-species to historical, anthropological, and ecological to agricultural. This seminar series sits in this generative space between and across fields - and asks what political ecology is and can be (as a community of practice) of people using political ecology approaches. Each semester, the seminar series invites scholars, practitioners, and activists from many traditions to share their research - in theory and practice.
Every scientific and development project selectively focuses on certain elements while neglecting others, affecting the position of both human and non-human groups within each project. This political ecology series will explore what planners, developers, scientists, or other actors have neglected or explicitly excluded from their plans. How have these actors thought with, without, or against animals, plants, and human communities? Looking at a variety of places and scales, speakers will analyze the process by which elements are deemed important to protect, produce, and organize, or ignored. They will investigate a range of initiatives, spanning from nature conservation to agricultural development and urban planning, to examine how the existence of humans and non-humans is enabled or prevented in scientific and political spaces.
Contact : Aurore Rimlinger (aurore.rimlinger@unil.ch)
Detailed informations are published in our agenda
Detailed informations are published in our agenda
Automn 2022 Program (861 Ko)