Séminaire de recherche du « Laboratoire de méthodes »


Crédit : Rachel Claire sur Pexels

Le laboratoire des méthodes organise à la fois des séminaires qui visent à échanger sur des dispositifs méthodologiques des membres de l'IGD à tout stade de leurs recherches et des séminaires sur invitation portant sur des innovations méthodologiques en géographie et durabilité.

Contact : Céline Rozenblat et Jorge Salgado

Au programme en 2023

  • 23 novembre 2023 // The potential of cartography as a tool for representing sensitive worlds - Elise Olmedo (Postdoctoral Researcher Department of Geography, Planning and Environment Concordia University, Montreal, Québec)
    Her current work offers a theoretical and methodological reflection on the practice of "sensitive cartography". Far from a fixed, unicist representation of space, this research-creation method offers an evolving point of view more suited to subjective figuration through dialogue between writing, experience and process.

  • 14 novembre 2023 // BCUL : ressources and documentary research - Kathia Linde (BCUL)  et Manon Rosset (IGD)
    The seminar will provide an overview of the documentary resources and research tools available to the university community. The (new) "Human Ecology" section of the Unithèque collection will also be presented. Finally, there will be a focus on press databases such as Europresse, PressReader and Swissdox.
  • 24 octobre 2023 // SWISSUbase - Jennifer Dean et Stefan Buerli (Project Managers FORS)
    SWISSUbase is a national, cross-disciplinary research data service that provides a free and FAIR-compliant platform as well as services for the archiving, publishing and dissemination of your research data and metadata. It will be explain how to find data, but to publish your data as well...