Tarcisio Gazzini

Tarcisio Gazzini is senior researcher at the University of Lausanne, where is responsible for the project “Foreign Investment in Africa: Gaining Development Momentum”, and visiting professor at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, where he teaches since 2012 “International Law and Development”. He has previously taught at the Universities of Padua, Glasgow and VU University Amsterdam. He is a Consultant for the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and a member of the International Law Association Committee on Role of International Law in Sustainable Natural Resource Management for Development. He also serves in the editorial boards of the Leiden Journal of International Law and the book series International Investment Law. He has published several books and articles on foreign investment law, international organizations, economic sanctions, and the use of force in international law.

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Université de LausanneUniversité de GenèveSwiss National Science Foundation (SNF)