Programme and Courses

Studying Psychology at the University of Lausanne

1st cycle (Bachelor of Science in Psychology)

The Bachelor of Science in Psychology is composed of a main discipline, the major in Psychology (120 ECTS), and of a secondary discipline, the minor (60 ECTS in general), which offers secondary training in another field (social sciences, for example).

The introductory part (1st year) of the Major in Psychology is a first stage of training during which students acquire basic knowledge in the most important areas of psychology. The teaching of methodology and statistics also trains them to work with a scientific approach and to conduct research. The subjects taught in the second and third years of study give students the opportunity to deepen and complete their knowledge in various scientific specialisations of psychology. The degree course also includes subjects related both to methodological techniques and tools and practical know-how, as well as a personal paper.

The study plan (« Plan d’études », i.e. list of compulsory and optional courses) of the Bachelor’s degree is available at


2nd cycle (Master of Science in Psychology)

The Master of Science in Psychology is conceived as a cycle of training and specialisation. It allows students to develop, deepen and complete the knowledge they acquired during the BSc in psychology and trains them in the practice of methods and techniques specific to particular field of psychology. Students must choose one area of specialisation and between one and three additional optional modules that allow them to have a personalised professional profile.

The five specialisations offered are:
- Career counselling and guidance;
- Child and adolescent psychology;
- Clinical psychology and psychopathology;
- Health psychology;
- Social psychology.

The specialisation represents the main orientation of the degree course, whereas the modules offer an opening onto other fields of psychology and represent a sub-dominant in the curriculum. The Master's degree also includes a dissertation or personal research work, presented in the form of a written report and defended orally (30 ECTS credits). The degree also includes an optional internship (12 to 18 ECTS depending on the specialisation), which can be replaced with courses.

The study plan of the Master’s degree (« Plan d’études », i.e. list of compulsory and optional courses offered in each of the five specialisations) is available at

Additional information can be obtained by e-mailing Mrs Evelyne Bovy Capitanio, student advisor for psychology students (

Please note that courses are given in French and that exams are taken in French too. A good command of the French language is therefore recommended.

