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Le FIL - intensive French courses

The Cours de Vacances becomes Le FIL de l'EFLE
Since September, the Ecole du Cours de vacances has become a branch of the Ecole de français langue étrangère (EFLE), le FIL of the EFLE (Français Intensif à Lausanne).
To mark the occasion, we've redesigned our study program. We now offer 4-week courses in winter and summer.
We'll also be offering a complete beginners' course in winter. Find out more about our range of courses.
Where can I stay during my French course?
EFLE's FIL has a few rooms available in the Planète Bleue student residence. Contact us now for more information.
How to contact us ?
Do you have any questions about our offer? Contact us by e-mail at You can also reach us by phone on 021 692 30 90 (Tuesday to Thursday, 9am to 11am).
The secretariat
You can also visit us at the secretariat (Anthropole 2093) on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9.30am to 12pm and from 2pm to 3pm.
PLEASE NOTE: During Summer course the reception's hours are modified. If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail or telephone, during normal office hours.
Questions ?
Do you have a question? See our FAQ
French courses during the academic semester
More information is available on the Ecole de français langue étrangère website.