Date | Titre |
21.09.2023, 12h00-13h00 | Thinking About Cycling Experience: Cycle Highways + Methods for Human-Centered Bikeways (George Liu) |
09.11.2023, 12h00-13h00 | The Human Case for Fewer Cars in our Lives (Melissa Bruntlett (Mobycon) and Chris Bruntlett (Dutch Cycling Embassy)) |
23.11.2023, 17h00-20h00 | Projection du film « Together we cycle » – l’OUVEMA fête ses trois ans! |
14.12.2023, 12h00-13h00 | Bicycle Infrastructure: The Devil Is in the Details (Hillie Talens) |
Intervenant: George Liu (Urban Cycling Institute / University of Amsterdam)
Ressources complémentaires :
Intervenant·e·s: Melissa Bruntlett (Mobycon) and Chris Bruntlett (Dutch Cycling Embassy)
Intervenante: Hillie Talens (CROW)
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