PhD Students P-Z

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Clara Pailler-Pradeau, Group Reymond, currently working on "Identification et caractérisation de nouveaux gènes impliqués dans des troubles du développement" after a Master in pharmaceutical biotechnology the University of Strasbourg, France, in June 2022.



Claire Paltenghi, Group van Leeuwen, currently working on "Mapping suppression interactions via drug-mediated CRISPR screens in HAP1 cells" after a Master in Sciences at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, in 2022.


Giulia Perroud, Group Wedekind, currently working on genetic quality and evolutionary perspectives in an alpine salmonid (Lake Hallwil Whitefish) after a Master in Behavior, Evolution and Conservation (mention Behaviour, Economics and Evolution) at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, in February 2019.


Karol Piera, Group Dal Co, currently working on “Understanding dynamics of bee gut microbial ecology at the single cell level", following MSc in Neuroscience in Berlin, Germany, and scientific assistant position in synthetic biology in 2019 at ETH, D-BSSE in Basel (CH).


Aiswarya Prasad, Group Engel, currently working on the subject "Eco-evolutionary dynamics involved in the evolution and maintenance fo the bee gut microbiome" after a Master of science at the lndian lnstitute of Science, India, in July 2020.

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Silvia Prieto Baños, Group Dessimoz, currently working on "Reconstructing the evolutionary history of microsyntenies" after a Master in Biological sciences at the University of Aberdeen, UK, in July 2021.


Pacôme Prompsy, Group Guenova and Group Schotteliuscurrently working on "Integrative Spatial Multi-Omics Approaches to Decipher Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma" after a Master in Biotechnology Engineering at the Universite de Technologie de Compiegne, France, in 2018.



Christelle Schneuwly, Group Chén, currently working on "Multimodal predictive models for Alzheimer's disease using brain imaging and genetic data" after a Master at the EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, in October 2021.



Debora Sesia, Group Ciriello, currently working on the subject "Discovering cancer evolutionary axes: From selected alterations to functional dependencies" after completing a Master of Science, Stochastics and Data Science from the Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy, in July 2019.

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Badma Priya Soundara Pandiyan, Group Fankhauser, currently working on "Exploring the role of PKS4 in Arabidopsis phototropism" after a Master in Computational biology at Pondicherry University, India, in May 2020.



João Souto, Group Goudet, currently working on "The impact of introgression in the evolution and adaption of species" after a Master at the Porto University, Portugal, in November 2022.


Divyanshu Srivastava, Group Ciriello, currently working on the subject "Selection in adaptation in tumor evolution and therapeutic resistance" after a Master of Technology at the Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi, India in August 2018.



Jieran Sun, Group Gottardo, currently working on "Statistical Methods for Spatial Transcriptomics Analysis" after a Master in bioinformatics at the ETHZ, Zurich, Switzerland, in June 2024.


Daniel TadrosGroup Gfeller, currently working on “Epitope predictions in cancer immunotherapy" after a Master of Science Msc in Life Sciences engineering at the EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, in March 2021.

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Matei TelemanGroup Gfeller, currently working on “Research in single-cell analysis and development of methods inspired by the "SuperCell" concept" after a Master Mathématiques appliquées, statistique : Computational and mathematical biology (CMB) at the Aix-Marseille University, France, in September 2021.


Arianna Tonazzolli, Group Fasshauer, currently working on the subject "Evolutionary insights into the rise of type I C2 protein domain" after a Master in quantitative and computational biology at the University of Trento, Italy, in March 2020 and after working as a Bioinformatician at Prinses Maxima Centrum (Utrecht, the Netherlands) and Institut Français de Bioinformatique (Marseille, France).


Alexandros Topaloudis, Group Goudet, currently working with a whole-genome dataset of barn owls to find out how their genome is structured and how their genotype shapes their phenotype after a Master of science at the University of Lausanne, in February 2020.


Eric Ulrich, Group Mitri, currently working on the subject "Understanding and controling the dynamics of bacterial communities using spatially separated but connected bio-reactors" after a Master of science at the University of Basel, CH, in September 2019.


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Ana Carolina Varela-Peirera, Group Kawecki, currently working on the subject "Evolutionary, genetic, and physiological mechanisms underlying improved tolerance to larval undernutrition generated through long-term experimental evolution in Drosophila melanogaster", after a Master in Evolutionary and Developmental Biology at the University of Lisbon, Portugal, in 2023.


Barbora Vidimova, Group Bagni, currently working on the subject "Targeting sensory dysfunctions in autism spectrum disorders" after a Master of science in Clinical neuroscience at the King's College London, UK, in September 2021.


Duy Thanh VU, Group Chén, currently working on "High-dimensional kernel methods for biomarker selection and disease prediction" after a Master at the University of Paris-Sarclay, Gif-sur-Yvettes, France, in February 2024.



Caroline Wandinger, Group Gottardo, currently working on "TBA" after a Master at University of Heidelberg, Germany, in September 2023.



Deepak Yadav, Group Fasshauer, currently working on "Evolutionary history of the vesicle transport machinery" after a Master of technology at the IIIT Hyderabad, India, in July 2013 and working as a research associate at TRDDC Pune, India, for 7 years.



Diana Zanoaga, Group Kutalik, currently working on "Detecting signatures of stabilizing selection in molecular traits" after a Master of Science in Life Sciences Engineering at the EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, in October 2023.



Sanyami Sunil Zunjarrao, Group Gambetta, currently working on "Role of chromatin structure in driving gene regulation specificity in Drosophila" after a Master at the Savitribai Phule Pune University, India, in April 2019.

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