



Yangji Choi, Groups Greub/Bertelli Lombardo, worked on the subject "Multi-scale genomic investigations of SARS-CoV-2: From epidemiology to microbiota profiling" after a Master 2 in Systems and synthetic biology at the Paris-Saclay University, France, in July 2020.

Defense of Yangji's thesis: 08.01.2025



Chiara Auwerx, Groups Reymond and Kutalik, worked on the subject "Genetics of complex traits: Reconciling the impact of rare versus common genetic variants" after a Master in Science in Biology (specialization in biochemistry)at the ETH Zurich, Switzerland, in November 2019.

Defense of Chiara's thesis: 28.06.2024


Maxime Brunner, Group Santoni, worked on the subject "Single-cell profiling of the hypothalamic-pituitary
axis: focus on tumors of the pituitary gland and tanycytes" after a Master of science at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, in January 2019.

Defense of Maxime's thesis: 15.11.2024


Romain FeronGroup Waterhouse, worked on the subject "Investigating relationships between sequence conservation and function using multispecies whole genome alignments" after a Master in Bioinformatics at the University of Rennes I, France, in June 2016.

Twitter: @RomainFeron
Google scholar:

Defense of Romain' thesis: 01.07.2024


Uyen Linh HoGroup van Leeuwen, worked on the subject "Genetic screens in temperature-sensitive HAP1 cells" after a Master of Science in Molecular Biotechnology at Bielefeld University in 2017.

Defense of Linh's thesis: 10.06.2024


Arvind IyerGroup Ciriello, worked on the subject "Genomic and Transcriptomic signatures for Cancer Evolution" after completing a Master of Technology in Computational Biology from Indraprastha Institue of Information Technology (IIITD) India in August 2018.


Defense of Arvind's thesis: 19.06.2024


Tane Kafle, Group Arguello, worked on "An evolutionary genomics and behavioural approach to investigate the evolution of temperature preference in drosophilids" following a Master of Research in Computational Methods in Ecology and Evolution at Imperial College London, UK, in September 2018. 


Defense of Tane's thesis: 23.05.2024


Eléonore Lavanchy, Group Goudet, worked on "Using genomics to measure the extent and consequences of inbreeding" after a Master in Behavior, Evolution and Conservation (mention Computational Ecology and Evolution) at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, in February 2019.

Defense of Eléonore's thesis: 12.04.2024


Bárbara MotaGroup Malaspinas, worked on "Ancient DNA and genetic expression" after a Master of science in Engineering Physics at the University of Lisboa, Portugal, in June 2019.

Defense of Barbara's thesis: 25.06.2024


Rémy Petremand, Group Harari, worked on the subject "Developing algorithms to identify and profile relevant tumor infiltrating lymphocytes in situ" after a Master of science in Life Sciences and Technology with a Minor in Biocomputing at the École polytechnique fédérale of Lausanne, Switzerland, in September 2020.

Defense of Rémy's thesis: 13.12.2024


Marie Sadler, Group Kutalik, worked on "Drug repositioning through causal transcriptome-disease networks integrating high-throughput drug-response data" after a Master of Science in Chemical Engineering (Minor in Biocomputing) at EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, in September 2019.

Defense of Marie's thesis: 12.01.2024



Garance Sarton-Loheac, Group Engel, worked on the subject "Genomics of social bee guts Symbiants" after a Master Master of science in Sciences moléculaires du vivant (mention Bioinformatics) at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, in January 2020.

Defense of Garance's thesis: 13.12.2024



Anastasiia Tonelli, Group Gambetta, worked on the subject "Unbiased screening of factors important for gene insulation" after a Master of science at the University of Kyiv, Ukraine, in May 2019.

Defense of Anastasiia's thesis: 03.10.2024

Tsai YiChien

Yi-Chien Tsai, Group Guenova, worked on the subject "Role of immune regulators in skin disorders" after a Master of Science in the National Yang-Ming University in Taiwan in July 2020.

Defense of Yi-Chien's thesis: 23.05.2024


Marco VarroneGroup Ciriello, worked on the subject "Computational models to characterize spatial intra-tumor heterogeneity" after a Master of science in Computer science and engineering at the Politecnico di Milano, Italy, in 2020.

Defense of Marco's thesis: 21.06.2024


Gilles Baud, Group Engel, worked on "Genomic differences in gut microbiotacomposition between nurses and foragers of thehoneybee Apis mellifera" after a Master of sciences et technologies du vivant at the EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, in March 2018.


Defense of Gilles' thesis: 26.06.2023

Joaquim Cruz CorellaGroup Sanders, worked on the subject “Quantitative genetic variation in symbiotic fungi and its effect on fungal gene expression" after a Master of science in Advanced Microbiology at the University of Barcelona, Spain, in September 2015.
Defense of Joaquim's thesis: 23.06.2023

Diana Ivette Cruz Dávalos, Group Malaspinas, worked on "Ancient Brazilian Genomics" after a Master of science in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology at the University of Bern, Switzerland, in January 2018.


Defense of Diana's thesis: 28.04.2023

Liza Darrous, Group Kutalik, worked on "Robust causal inference methods to assess risk factors for common diseases" after a Master of Science in Molecular Life Sciences (specialisation in Bioinformatics), at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, in February 2019.
twitter: @LizaMGD

Defense of Liza's thesis: 24.11.2023

Nastassia Gobet, Groups Franken and Xenarios, worked on the subject "A systems genetics approach for sleep regulation" after a Master of science in Sciences moléculaires du vivant at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, in February 2018.


Defense of Nastassia's thesis: 26.04.2023

Robin Hofmeister, Group Delaneau, is interested in the impacts of genetic alterations on molecular phenotypes, and worked on the research topic "Expression Quantitative Traits Loci with haplotypic effects" after graduating a master's degree in Molecular Life Science (specialisation bioinformatic) at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, in February 2019.

Defense of Robin's thesis: 02.06.2023


Sven Erik Ojavee, Group Robinson, worked on the subject "Bayesian analysis of time-to-diagnosis, with application in large genotype-phenotype datasets" after a Master of science in Mathematical statistics at the University of Tartu, Estonia, in February 2018.


Defense of Sven Erik's thesis: 09.12.2022

Valentin Oreiller, Groups Prior  and MedGIFT, worked on "Understanding, validating and optimizing the specificity of imaging biomarkers for personalized medicine" after a Master of science in Bioingénieurie at the EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, in October 2017.


Defense of Valentin's thesis: 04.11.2022

Marion Patxot Bertran, Group Robinson, worked on "Genetic basis of common complex diseases" after a Master of science in Sciences moléculaires du vivant (mention Bioinformatics) at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, in January 2017.

Defense of Marion's thesis: 13.07.2022

Rocio Rama BallesterosGroup Salamin, investigated the use of machine learning techniques to better understand the signature of selection and coevolution on genomic data, after a Master in Computer Science at the University of Granada, Spain, in 2013.

Defense of Rocio's thesis: 11.11.2022

Victor Rossier, Groups Dessimoz and Robinson-Rechavi, worked on "Scaling orthology inference" after a Master of science in Sciences moléculaires du vivant at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, in February 2017.


Defense of Victor's thesis: 04.11.2022

Vincent Somerville, Group Engel, worked on "Taxonomic and functional diversity of cheese starter cultures" after a Master of science in Animal biology at the University of Basel, Switzerland, in February 2017.

Defense of Vincent's thesis: 30.08.2022


Victor Joo, Group Pantaleo, worked on "Defining the mechanism of action in a novel class of anti-PD-1 antibodies" after a Master of Science in Immunology of Infectious Diseases at the University of London, UK, in September 2012.

Defense of Victor's thesis: 12.01.2021

Ninon Mounier, Group Kutalik, worked on "Bayesian approach to increase power in Genome-Wide Association Studies of complex traits" after an engineering degree in Bio-informatics and Modelling at the National Institute of Applied Sciences – INSA – of Lyon, France, in 2014.


Defense of Ninon's thesis: 10.08.2021

Jonathan Sulc, Group Kutalik, worked on the subject "Genetic components of obesity, their interactions with lifestyle factors and their impact on health" after a Master of science in Sciences moléculaires du vivant at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, in January 2015.

twitter: @jonathan_sulc


Defense of Jonathan's thesis: 12.11.2021

Mattia Tomasoni, Group Bergmann, worked on the subject "Advanced analytics of large scale data" after a Master of science in Computer science at the University of Uppsala, Sweden, in March 2011.

twitter: @tomasoni123


Defense of Mattia's thesis: 16.02.2021

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