Terms and Conditions

Skills for scientists workshops and events.


Conditions and standards



The skills for scientists programme aims to offer educational courses, careers roundtables, transferable skills workshops, consultations, networking events and discussion groups that are free of charge to Masters students, PhD students, Post-docs and senior researchers of the FBM, UNIL. The events and consultations  take place at the Epalinges  and CHUV campus' of the UNIL.

The programme is coordinated by Dr. Slavica Masina (DB) and Prof. Johanna Joyce of the DOF/Ludwig. Dr. Masina is employed by the FBM to lead the programme and act as a career coach.



Aside from registrations made via our collaborators, registration to a particular workshop or event is via the registration link found at the end of the course description. A brief description of your motivations to register for a particular course/event are obligatory during the registration process. The organisers reserve the right to select participants based on their suitability for the course. 


The closing date for workshop/network registrations is specified on the registration form. Late registrations will be considered depending on availability of places. You may substitute another participant (colleague, friend) up to the start of an event without penalty.


The binding registration is confirmed by email. By registering you are committing to attend the entire workshop/event. Participants will receive more information about the workshop/event by email prior to their start date.


The workshops and events are designed for a minimum number of attendees. The workshop/event will be cancelled if not enough people are registered. Those who have registered will be informed of any cancellation by email. Once the maximum number of attendees is reached, additional registrations will be placed on a waiting list.  



Send an email to skillsforscientists@unil.ch, mentioning the title and date of the workshop concerned. We will confirm the cancellation.


Certificate of attendance

Certain courses/workshops offer certificates of attedance. Successful completion of all exercises, homework assignments and complete attendance (at least 80%) to the workshops are required for a certificate. Certificates of attendance are sent electronically to participants after the workshop has been completed successfully.


Course credits

The workshops are designed according to the ECTS principles. 1 ECTS is equivalent to a workload of 25 to 30 hours. To validate your ECTS please complete the necessary forms and follow the procedure as outlined for your doctoral programme.



Each workshop of the skills for scientists programme at the University of Lausanne follows an interdisciplinary, interactive and creative approach including the general mindset of a good code of conduct for researcher.


Data protection

UNIL will only collect and store personal information to provide educational services to you. By submitting your details to UNIL you consent to the collection, processing and use of that data for administration of the course/event you attend. UNIL will not otherwise, without your consent, use or disclose the information you provide for any other purpose.

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