The concept

Welcome to the Skills for Scientists Programme!


The skills for scientists programme aims to offer educational courses, careers roundtables, transferable skills workshops, networking events, consultations and discussion groups that are free of charge to Masters students, PhD students, Post-docs and senior researchers of the FBM.  Our events and consultations take place at the Epalinges and CHUV campus' of the UNIL.


We are not an association and we advocate the professional development of researchers at all career stages and for their future in all different types of careers. We, in addition, connect researchers with potential employers through our extensive network.


The programme was co-founded by  Dr. Slavica Masina , and by Prof. Johanna Joyce of the DOF/Ludwig.


Dr. Masina is employed by the FBM, UNIL to lead the programme, to act as a career facilitator, and to research and implement the needs of professional researcher development for the Faculty in collaboration with the other UNIL career services and the student and post-doc associations.

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