ARCHIVE - 2013-2014

Gender intergroup relations: Advantaged and disadvantaged group perspectives. | Modélisation statistique et analyse de données | The social psychology of intergroup contact and prejudice | Rencontres Interlaboratoires 2013 - RILs

Gender intergroup relations: Advantaged and disadvantaged group perspectives.

Module thématique

Date: 14-15-16 mai 2014
Intervenant: Prof. Nyla Branscombe, University of Kansas
- May, 14th in the morning: Public conference in Geneva
- May, 14-16th: Cubotron 407, Lausanne

In this class we will delve into various theoretical perspectives and empirical research concerning gender as a social category membership. We will consider this social category as one instance of an intergroup relationship in which the groups differ in status and power. Although other group memberships of a hierarchical nature will be considered during the course, we will primarily focus on gender because it is a category membership that is relevant to us all and it is one that has a multifaceted role in shaping a variety of behavior. We will begin by considering a bit of the history of research on gender in psychology, but move quickly to the vast landscape of theories and topics studied under the general heading of “Gender Differences and Similarities”. We’ll consider what additional explanatory power emerges from movement away from the question of “are there behavioral differences?” to “Gender as an Intergroup Relationship”. We will ask how group history and the current social context shape gendered experience and behavior, and a variety of social issues related to gender (e.g., stereotype threat, coping with violence and harassment, the ‘body’ problem, intersections with other social categories and culture, responses to interventions aimed at decreasing gender inequality). Our central aim throughout the course will be to illuminate processes of social identity and social change by considering gender as a powerful form of intergroup relations.

Schedule for Wednesday, May 14 

10h15 – 12h00: Public conference: Moral Rights or Moral Obligations: Finding Benefits in Victim Suffering (UniGe MR030, Lunch & Transport to Lausanne)
15h30 – 17h30: Workshop 1: Gender intergroup relations: Advantaged and disadvantaged group perspectives (UniL Cubotron 407)

Modélisation statistique et analyse de données

Module méthodologique

Date: 27-28 janvier, 3-4 février 2014
Intervenant: Benoît Dompnier, Université de Lausanne
Lieu: Université de Lausanne, Géopolis, Salle 2219

La modélisation statistique est une étape essentielle de toute recherche empirique. L’objectif de cet enseignement est d’en présenter les principes de base par l’intermédiaire de l’analyse de régression et de ses dérivés. Seront ainsi abordés
1) la régression simple et multiple,
2) le concept d’interaction et l’analyse de modération,
3) l’analyse de processus causaux par l’intermédiaire du test de médiation (simple et multiple),
4) l’inclusion de variables intrasujets dans les modèles de régression,
5) le traitement de variables catégorielles par analyse de contrastes,
6) la qualité de la mesure et les méthodes permettant de l’évaluer.
Niveau requis: Débutants
Lundi 27 janvier: Analyse de régression
Mardi 28 janvier: Analyse de médiation
Lundi 3 février: Variables intra-sujets et analyse de contrastes
Mardi 4 février: La qualité de la mesure


The social psychology of intergroup contact and prejudice

Module thématique

Date: 10-11-12 décembre 2013
Intervenant: Prof. Kevin Durrheim, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Lieu: Université de Genève, Ancien auditoire de Pédiatrie des Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève, Rue Willy-Donzé 6 – 1206 Genève

Prejudice reduction has been a central value in social psychology for almost a century. Theory and research in the discipline often assumes that prejudice underlies intergroup conflict and suggests that prejudice reduction should be the objective of social psychological interventions. These values and assumptions are expressed most clearly in contact theory, which argues that intergroup contact under optimal conditions can reduce prejudice. But social psychology is in the midst of an upheaval as the prejudice reduction orientation is subject to growing criticism amid calls for a more concerted focus on social change. This workshop will consider two bodies of research that are implicated in this upheaval. First, a growing body of contact research has shown 1) that power matters in situations of asymmetrical contact, 2) that minority and majority groups have different and strategic interests in contact, and 3) that optimal contact and prejudice reduction have different political consequences for majorities and minorities. Second, research in a number of different traditions of scholarship suggests that social inequality can be sustained by positive, ambivalent, benevolent and paternalistic attitudes, by helping, and by common ingroup identification. In addition to reviewing these arguments, the workshop will also outline an approach for studying the way contact, prejudice and tolerant attitudes can function to secure unequal social worlds.


Rencontres Interlaboratoires 2013 - RILs

Date: 5 - 6 septembre 2013

Lieu: Université Grenoble Alpes, Maison des Sciences de l’homme Alpes (MSH Alpes)

RILs_2013.pdf  (80 Ko)


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