MA SPEC Projects

| SPEC projects in literary translation | SPEC projects in text edition and book history

Most SPEC programs (programmes de spécialisation) include a final project –or mémoire de spécialisation– that requires the student to demonstrate the practical skills that they have acquired and offer an analysis of the process.

From 2021 onwards, in accordance with the law on the protection of personal data, only those who have given their express consent are listed on this page.

SPEC projects in literary translation

Resp. Prof. Martine Hennard Dutheil on behalf of CTL: French-English/English-French translations in collaboration with a professional translator as mentor. The translation project and accompanying literary translation (60-80 pages) are examined by a professional and academic jury and the SPEC defense is similar to the mémoire defense (contact for details).


  • De Luca, Céliane (English -> French), Seán Hewitt’s Tongues of Fire (2023)
  • Dünner, Charlotte (English -> French): Deirdre Sullivan, Needle Work (2023)
  • Versari, Valeria (English -> Italian), Rita Dove’s Playlist for the Apocalypse (2023)


  • Benisty, Ezra (English -> French), Angela Carter, Unicorn
  • Fuschetto, Roxane (English -> French), Anne Sexton, Love Poems
  • Kountangni, Monique (English -> French), Midori Snyder, The Armless Maiden
  • Lehmann, Susanna (English -> German), Linda Hogan, Mean Spirit
  • Mabut, Cloé (English -> French), Florence Parry Heide, Fables you shouldn’t pay any attention to
  • McMullin, Marie (English -> French), Carol Ann Duffy, The World’s Wife
  • Simoes Costa, Laura. Internship for Grimm’s translation paradigms UNIL conference + report
  • Simoes Costa Laura. (English -> French), Joyce Carol Oates, The Crossing
  • Wienand, Isabelle Madelon : Tom Dreyer, The Long Wave, chapt. 1-4 (English -> French)


  • Davis, Hannah (French -> English): Claire Krähenbühl, ‘La Scène’ and ‘Voix’
  • Kountangni, Monique (French/English): editorial internship (Etudes de Lettres, no 310: La nouvelle jeunesse des contes: transcréations des recueils de Perrault et des Grimm, ed. Cyrille François et Martine Hennard Dutheil de la Rochère)
  • Manz, Chloé  (English -> French): Suzette Haden Elgin, Native Tongue
  • Rizet, Océane. ‘The First and Last Journeys of Thoreau’.
  • Rizet, Océane. ‘Angela Carter, ou les ‘objets trouvés’ en traduction: de Baudelaire à Black Venus’ (academic translation)


  • Davis, Hannah (French -> English), academic paper presented at a conference (Gull-uni-vers: Gulliver’s Travels à travers les langues, les genres et les médias), and article for publication: The Abbé Desfontaines in the land of the Belles Infidèles (2018)
  • Mabiala, Lila (French-> English), Philippo Della Croce, Jeremy Cobhan (2015)
  • Meyer, Mathilde (English -> French), Brie Spangler, Beast (2016)


  • Daniel Baumgartel (French-> English), Laura Alcoba, Le bleu des abeilles (2013)
  • Frederic Guignard (English -> French), Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, The Time Story and Other Short Stories (2006) + academic translation
  • Simona Mazzarelli (English -> French), David Greig, Dunsinane
  • Charlotte Mohr (English -> French), Amelia Gray, Threats (2012)


  • Carina Carballo: Leslie Marmon Silko’s « Storyteller » (English-> French) + academic translation (English-> French): « Ecrire à travers le miroir des langues: les poétiques traductives d’Angela Carter »
  • Katrin Meyfarth, (German -> English):  Ingomar von Kieseritzky, Das Buch der Desaster (1988)
  • Chiara Basile (English -> Italian): Nancy Huston, Sweet Agony


  • Lorrain Voisard (English -> French): Tim Price, Teh Internet Is Serious Business
  • Chiara Basile (English -> Italian): Nancy Huston, Sweet Agony
  • Julie Sirbû (English -> French): Neil Forsyth on Eden as Wonderland
  • François Tine (English -> French): Alice Walker, The Third Life of Grange Copland(1stchapter).
  • Sarah Dupertuis (English -> French): Matthew Calarco article for Visage volume
  • Juliette Loesch (English -> French): Rachel Falconer, Levi article by for Visage volume
  • Kate-Elisabeth Granges (French -> English): Xavière Gauthier, Surréalisme et Sexualité(1stchapter)
  • Kristen Gehrman (French -> English + mini-mémoire): Parmi la jeunesse russe, Ella Maillard



  • Celia Mehou-Loko (English -> French): ‘The Tale of the Bird’ and ‘The Tale of the Rose’ in Emma Donoghue, Kissing the Witch: Old Tales in New Skins (1997)
  • Valerya Vershinina (French-> English + mini-mémoire): ‘Les sept géantes’ in Pierrette Fleutiaux, Métamorphoses de la reine (1990)
  • Sarah Dupertuis (English -> French + mini-mémoire): Someone: A Novel, Alice McDermott (2013)
  • Pauline Bruttin (English-> French + mini-mémoire): The Lowland, Jhumpa Lahiri (2013)


SPEC projects in text edition and book history


  • Marshall, Camille. "The Meditations Upon the Seven Days of the Week, Translated by Dame Eleanor Hull: An Edition of the Meditations for Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday." Dir. Denis Renevey.
    (Transcription of Cambridge University Library MS Kk. I. 6, text edition -incl. glossing-, introduction to text and reflective dossier)



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