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AUER Anita
Professeure ordinaire
English Linguistics
Historical sociolinguistics, language variation and change, corpus linguistics, stylistics, language and migration
Faculty profile
Personal website
Anthropole, office 5131
Phone: +41 (0)21 692 44 85
E-mail: Anita.Auer@unil.ch
Office hours: Monday 12h00-13h00
ASKIN Ridvan
Chargé de cours
Faculty profile
Anthropole, office 5133
E-mail : Ridvan.Askin@unil.ch
Office hours: By appointment only
BENISTY Ezra Sibyl (they / al ou iel)
Doctorantex FNS
Modern English Literature
Early modern literature, Poetic treatises, Poetry, Contemporary literature, Literary translation, Queer studies
Faculty profile
Anthropole, office 5148
Phone: +41 (0)21 692 46 95
E-mail: Ezra.Benisty@unil.ch
Office hours: Tuesday 15h00-16h00
BROWN Jessica
Maître assistante
English Linguistics
Faculty profile
Personal website
Anthropole, office 5119
Phone: +41 (0)21 692 29 93
E-mail: Jessica.Brown@unil.ch
Office hours: Monday 16h00-17h00
COSSY Valérie (she/her)
Professeure associée
Gender Studies
Gender and symbolic representation, Comparative Literature in English and French 1780-1980, Charrière, Austen, Woolf, Rivaz
Faculty profile
Personal website
Anthropole, office 5135
Phone: +41 (0)21 692 29 92
E-mail: Valerie.Cossy@unil.ch
Office hours: Thursday 14h00-15h00
CRITTEN Rory (he/him/his)
Professeur assistant en PTC
Medieval Literature
Old and Middle English literature; French in England; gender studies; digital humanities
Faculty profile
Anthropole, office 5127
Phone: +41 (0)21 692 29 89
E-mail: Rory.Critten@unil.ch
Office hours: Tuesday 10h00-11h00
CUI Chen (he/him)
Chargé de cours and externally funded doctoral researcher
Medieval Literature
Germanic Philology (esp. medieval English and Old Norse); medieval Environmental Humanities; global medieval travel; medieval Eurasia; cognitive poetics
Faculty profile
Anthropole, office 5154
Phone: +41 (0)21 692 47 04
E-mail: Chen.Cui@unil.ch
Office hours: Tuesday 10h00-11h00
Professeur ordinaire
Modern English Literature
English Renaissance Drama, Shakespeare, Theater Studies
Faculty profile
Personal website
Anthropole, office 5123
Phone: +41 (0)21 692 29 95
E-mail: Kevin.Curran@unil.ch
Office hours: by appointment only
DANYLOVYCH Olena (she/her)
Doctorante FNS
Medieval Literature
Middle English literature, medieval hagiography, women's writing, introspection
Faculty profile
Anthropole, office 5154
Phone: +41 (0)21 692 47 04
E-mail: Olena.Danylovych@unil.ch
Office hours: by appointment only
DE LEEUW Esther (she/her)
Professeure associée
English Linguistics
Bilingualism, multilingualism, speech production, speech perception, language acquisition
Faculty profile
Anthropole, office 5138
Phone: +41 (0)21 692 44 78
E-mail: Esther.deLeeuw@unil.ch
Office hours: Thursday 11h00-12h00 or by appointment only
DENISSEN Diana (she/her)
Maître assistante
Medieval Literature
Religious communities, devotional compilations, gender studies, female authorship
Faculty profile
Anthropole, office 5119
Phone: +41 (0)21 692 45 88
E-mail: Diana.Denissen@unil.ch
Office hours: Wednesday 10h30-11h30
DUARTE WIRTH Beatriz (she/her)
Assistante diplômée
English Linguistics
Language development, Multilingualism, Language attrition, Language and migration, Crosslinguistic Interaction, Heritage languages
Faculty profile
Anthropole, office 5138
Phone: +41 (0)21 692 44 83
E-mail: beatriz.duartegoncalvesventuradepaulaw@unil.ch
Office hours: By appointment only
DUELL Meg (she/her)
Assistante diplômée
Modern English Literature
English Renaissance Drama, Environmental Humanities, Enchantment, Shakespeare, Film, Adaptation
Faculty profile
Anthropole, office 5130
E-mail: megan.duell@unil.ch
Office hours: by appointment only
DURDEL Patrick (he/him)
Doctorant FNS
Modern English Literature
Early Modern drama, theory and history of drama, literary theory
Faculty profile
Personal website
Anthropole, office 5143
Phone: +41 (0)21 692 45 92
E-mail: Patrick.Durdel@unil.ch
Professeure ordinaire
Modern English Literature
Classical reception; modern and contemporary poetry; descents to the underworld; fantasy and children’s literature; Romantic and modern literature and the natural world
Faculty profile
Personal website
Anthropole, office 5132
Phone: +41 (0)21 692 44 84
E-mail: Rachel.Falconer@unil.ch
Office hours: Monday 14h00-15h00
FROHREICH Kimberly (she/her)
Chargée de cours
American Literature
American literature and culture, monster studies, allegory, Critical Race Theory, gender studies, intermediality.
Faculty profile
Anthropole, office 5133
E-mail : Kimberly.Frohreich@unil.ch
Office hours: by appointment only
GIRALDO Isis (she/her)
Première assistante
American Literature
Faculty profile
Personal website
Anthropole, office 5124
Phone: +41 (0)21 692 44 77
E-mail: isis.giraldo@unil.ch
Office hours: by appointment only
HELLER Simon (he/him)
Intervenant extérieur
Beowulf, Old English, American fiction, medievalism, adaptation
Faculty profile
Anthropole, office 5134
E-mail : Simon.Heller@unil.ch
Office hours: Wednesday 14h30-16h30
Professeure associée
Modern English and Comparative Literature
Literary Translation and Translation Studies, Children’s Literature, Word & Image
Faculty profile
Personal website
Anthropole, office 5130
Phone: +41 (0)21 692 29 97
E-mail: Martine.HennardDutheil@unil.ch
Office hours: Thursday 14h00-15h00
IM Jane
Chargée de recherche et chargée de cours
American Literature
Faculty profile
Anthropole, office 5144
E-mail: Jane.Im@unil.ch
Office hours: by appointment only
Chargée de cours
Chaucer. Middle English literature. Comparative literature. Romance. Emotion.
Faculty profile
Anthropole, office 5128
E-mail : Lucie.Kaempfer@unil.ch
Office hours: by appointment only
Assistante diplômée
Gender Studies
Faculty profile
Anthropole, office 5124
E-mail: Fiona.Lamon@unil.ch
Office hours: Friday 13h00-14h00
LE BERRE Mireille
Chargée de cours
Medieval English
Faculty profile
Anthropole, office 5128
E-mail : Mireille.LeBerre@unil.ch
Office hours : by appointment only
Chercheur FNS senior
English Linguistics
Articulatory phonetics, Acoustic phonetics, Sociophonetics, Second language acquisition
Faculty profile
Anthropole, office 5149
E-mail: scott.lewis@unil.ch
Office hours: by email appointment
Premier assistant
English Literature
Romanticism, poetry, lyric, synaesthesia, volcanoes, geology
Faculty profile
Anthropole, office 5138
Phone : +41 (0)21 692 46 95
E-mail : Philip.Lindholm@unil.ch
MACDUFF Sangam |
MAGADA Céline (she/her)
Doctorante FNS
Modern English Literature
English Renaissance Drama, Early Printed Books
Faculty profile
Anthropole, office 5143
Phone: +41 (0)21 692 45 92
E-mail: Celine.Magada@unil.ch
Office hours: By appointment only
Maître d'enseignement et recherche suppléant
Faculty profile
Anthropole, office 5128
E-mail: Cedric.Margot@unil.ch
Office hours: By appoitment only
MELNIKOV Kirill (he/his)
Assistant diplômé
Comparative Literature
Angela Carter/ Culture anglophone/ Littérature anglophone/ Littérature comparée/ Littérature moderniste/ 19th century literature and culture
Faculty profile
Anthropole, office 5130
Phone: +41 (0)21 692 45 86
E-mail: Kirill.Melnikov@unil.ch
Office hours: Thursday 13h00-14h00
PARREIRAS REIS Ana Rita (she/her)
Medieval Literature
Middle English pastoralia, Sin, confession, and penance in the Middle Ages, Manuscript studies
Faculty profile
Maîtresse d'enseignement et recherche suppléante
Anthropole, office 5129
Phone: +41 (0)21 692 44 91
E-mail: anarita.parreirasreis@unil.ch
Office hours: Monday 16h00-17h00
Assistant diplômé
American Literature
Weird fiction, myth criticism, ecocriticism, human-nonhuman interactions
Faculty profile
Anthropole, office 5133
E-mail: Maxime.Pellaton@unil.ch
Office hours: by appointment
Chargée de cours
Modern English Literature
Ecoliterature and literature of the Anthropocene, Deep time, Ecocriticism, Environmental humanities
Faculty profile
Anthropole, office 5128
Phone: +41 (0)21 692 44 91
E-mail : Amy.Player@unil.ch
Office hours : Tuesday 16h00-17h00
RENEVEY Denis (he/him)
Professeur ordinaire
Medieval Literature
Faculty profile
Personal website
Anthropole, office 5134
Phone: +41 (0)21 692 29 90
E-mail: Denis.Renevey@unil.ch
Office hours : by appointment only
RONAN Marion Patricia
English Linguistics
Language variation, language contact, diachronic linguistics, pragmatics, morphosyntax
Faculty profile
Personal website
Anthropole, office 5138.1
Phone: +41 (0)21 692 45 94
E-mail: MarionPatricia.Ronan@unil.ch
Office hours: by email-appointment only
SCULLY Matthew (he/him)
Maître assistant
American Literature
American Literature and Culture, Literary Theory and Criticism, Politics and Aesthetics, Democracy, and Anarchy
Faculty profile
Personal website
Anthropole, office 5120
Phone: +41 (0)21 692 44 86
E-mail: Matthew.Scully@unil.ch
Office hours: Monday 14h00-16h00
SHANMUGASUNDARAM Rajamathangi (she/her)
Chercheuse FNS Senior
English Linguistics
South Asian Linguistics – Morphology, Syntax, Typology, Heritage Linguistics
Faculty profile
Anthropole, office 5149
Phone: +41 (0)21 692 46 88
E-mail: rajamathangi.shanmugasundaram@unil.ch
Office hours: Tuesday 15h00-16h00
SKRIABINA Viktoriia (she/her)
Chargée de recherche
English Linguistics
Multilingual issues, language influence, language and identity, communicative strategies and pragmatics of discourse, translation and emotion
Faculty profile
Anthropole, office 5190
Phone: +41 (0)21 692 46 92
E-mail: viktoriia.skriabina@unil.ch
Office hours: by appointment only
Professeure ordinaire
American Literature
American Literature and Culture, 20th & 21st century, Genre Studies (Gothic, Melodrama, Adventure), War Narrative and Combat Film, Counterculture, Eco-Criticism
Faculty profile
Personal website
Anthropole, office 5133
Phone: +41 (0)21 692 29 94
E-mail: Agnieszka.SoltysikMonnet@unil.ch
Office hours: Monday and Wednesday 12h00-13h00 or by appointment
STEINER Enit (she/her)
Maître d'enseignement et de recherche
Modern English Literature
Long 18th Century, Romanticism, Novel Studies, Jane Austen, Mary Wollstonecraft, cosmopolitanism, race, ecology
Faculty profile
Personal website
Anthropole, office 5135
Phone: +41 (0)21 692 44 87
E-mail: Enit.Steiner@unil.ch
Office hours: Wednesday 14h30-15h30.
STIRLING Kirsten Anne (she/her)
Professeure associée
Modern English Literature
Early modern English literature, Contemporary literature, Scottish literature
Faculty profile
Personal website
Anthropole, office 5121
Phone: +41 (0)21 692 29 88
E-mail: KirstenAnne.Stirling@unil.ch
Office hours: On leave 2024-25
Chargé de cours
Literary Modernism, 20th century literature, Literary Theory and Criticism
Faculty profile
Anthropole, office 5133
E-mail : Alberto.Tondello@unil.ch
Office hours: by appointment only
THORBURN Jennifer (she/her)
Maître d'enseignement et de recherche
English Linguistics
Sociolinguistics, language variation and change, indigenous communities and languages, language attitudes, regional Englishes
Faculty profile
Personal website
Anthropole, office 5122
Phone: +41 (0)21 692 44 88
E-mail: Jennifer.Thorburn@unil.ch
Office hours: Tuesday 13h30-14h30
Maître d'enseignement et de recherche
American Literature
Faculty profile
Anthropole, office 5120
Phone: +41 (0)21 692 29 91
E-mail: Boris.Vejdovsky@unil.ch
Office hours: Thursday 13h00-14h00
VUILLE Juliette
Maître d'enseignement et de recherche
Medieval Literature
Faculty profile
Anthropole, office 5122
E-mail: Juliette.Vuille@unil.ch
Office hours: Thursday 14h00-15h00
WALZ Marie (she/her)
Maître d'enseignement et recherche suppléante
Modern English and Comparative Literature
Allegory, fairy tales and fairy-tale rewritings, fantasy, speculative fiction
Faculty profile
Anthropole, office 5119
Phone: +41 (0)21 692 44 79
E-mail: Marieemilie.Walz@unil.ch
Office hours: Thursday 15h00-16h00
WASSERSTROM Nell (she/her)
Maître d'enseignement et de recherche suppléant
Faculty profile
Anthropole, office 5129
E-mail : Nell.Wasserstrom@unil.ch
Office hours: Tuesday 14h00-15h00
WHITEHEAD Christiania
Chercheure FNS Senior
Medieval Literature
Religious literature, hagiography, mysticism, allegory, lyric
Faculty profile
Personal website
Anthropole, office 5154
E-mail: Christiania.Whitehead@unil.ch
Office hours: by appointment only
Prof. Rachel Falconer
Section d'anglais
Université de Lausanne
Faculté des lettres
Bâtiment Anthropole
CH-1015 Lausanne
Patricia Mascia
Secrétariat de la section d'anglais
Université de Lausanne
Faculté des lettres
Bâtiment Anthropole, bureau 5164
CH-1015 Lausanne
Téléphone : +41 (0)21 692 29 13
Courriel : secretariat-anglais@unil.ch