Major-Grant Projects

Current Research Projects

Emerging Standards: Urbanisation and the Development of Standard English, c.1400-1700

"Emerging Standards: Urbanisation and the Development of Standard English, c. 1400-700" is directed by Anita Auer. The project was initially funded by an Aspasia Grant (Dutch National Science Foundation) and an Utrecht University Appreciation Grant (NL) and continues now as long-term project with the support of other funding sources. For more information please consult the project website.

International Network for the Study of Lyric (INSL)

An International Network for the Study of Lyric (INSL) is being developed, with diverse funding sources, by Antonio Rodriguez (French Dept, Unil), Rachel Falconer (English Dept, Unil) and Ralph Mueller (German, Unifr). For information about how to join, visit the homepage. Information about INSL’s first biannual conference can be found here.

Swiss Islands in North America: A Research Network that Investigates Language Maintenance and Shift amongst Heritage Speakers Past and Present

The international research network "Swiss Islands in North America" has been launched in 2016 and is financially supported by different funding sources. For more information please consult the project website.

Theater and Judgment in Early Modern England

"Theater and Judgment in Early Modern England" is a 4-year (2021-25), FNS-funded project housed in the English Department and directed by Prof. Kevin Curran. In addition to Prof. Curran, the project team includes two doctoral researchers, Patrick Durdel (MA Berlin) and Céline Magada (MA Lausanne), and two international collaborators, Emma Smith (Oxford, UK) and Greg Walker (Edinburgh, UK). The project is committed to recovering how plays and performances disseminated techniques of judgment among a broad audience of playgoers and readers in the early modern period. For more information, please see the project website.

The Language of the Labouring Poor in Late Modern England

The SNSF-funded project The Language of the Labouring Poor in Late Modern English, which runs from March 2020 to February 2024, aims at determining the role of the social stratification variable in language variation and change in the period c. 1795–1834. For more information please consult the project website.

Completed Research Projects

Late Medieval Religiosity in England: The Evidence of Late Fourteenth and Fifteenth-Century Devotional Compilations

The FNS-funded project 'Late Medieval Religiosity in England: The Evidence of Late Fourteenth and Fifteenth-Century Devotional Compilations' (2013- March 2017) was hosted in the English department, and directed by Prof. Denis Renevey.

Region and Nation in Late Medieval Devotion to Northern English Saints

‘Region and Nation in Late Medieval Devotion to Northern English Saints’ is a 3-year research project (2016-19) housed in the English Department, directed by Professor Denis Renevey and funded by the FNS. For further details about the project aims and team, please see the project homepage.

Space, Place and Image in the Poetry and Prose of John Donne

"Space, Place  and Image in the Poetry and Prose of John Donne" is an FNS-funded project hosted in the English department, and directed by Kirsten Stirling. The project was initially funded for three years (2014-17) and funding has been extended for a final fourth year to 2018.

Theory and Practice of Authenticity in Global Cultural Production

The SNF-funded interdisciplinary Sinergia project « Theory and Practice of Authenticity in Global Cultural Production » (2014-2018) headed by Prof. Thomas Claviez (U. Bern) includes a module led by Profs. Kornelia Imesch Oechslin (History of Art) and Martine Hennard Dutheil de la Rochère (English). For more information please consult the project website.

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