MA 2nd year

2nd year - Discipline principale | 2nd year - Discipline secondaire

2nd year - Discipline principale

As a discipline principale student, you will be required to write a mémoire de Maîtrise (MA dissertation). This will be examined in a public discussion de mémoire (viva). The mémoire completes the 90-credit maîtrise universitaire ès Lettres in English.

Please note that teachers will be mostly unavailable for mémoire supervision during the vacation summer months (July and August); make sure you discuss this with your supervisor and plan your writing accordingly.

If you choose to do the 120-credit Maîtrise universitaire ès Lettres avec spécialisation, you will earn 30 additional credits by enrolling in one of the programmes de spécialisation offered in the Faculty.

See the list of programmes de spécialisation offered on the Faculty of Arts page.

2nd year - Discipline secondaire

As a discipline secondaire student, you will have finished your work in English after the first year and will be writing your mémoire in your discipline principale. Within the general structure of the MA, you may opt to earn 30 additional credits by enrolling in one of the programmes de spécialisation offered in the Faculty.

See the full list of programmes de spécialisation on the Faculty of Arts page.



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