One of CIRM's tasks is to communicate the research results of its members to a wide audience, not necessarily scientific. The focus of scientific outreach is on the populations of the Vaud and Valais Alps, as well as the schools in the cantons of Vaud and Valais. CIRM also emphasizes the co-production of knowledge with the inhabitants of mountain regions through a participatory science program.
These mediation activities are part of the Mountain and Society program. Additionally, CIRM organizes thematic action programs.
For mediation and participatory science activities, CIRM collaborates with the Culture and Scientific Mediation Department (SCMS) of the University of Lausanne (UNIL).
Val d'Hérens 1950/2050, Vies, images et pratiques d'un territoire en mutation
January to December 2022, Valais
Rencontre Montagne et Sciences
September 30, 2022, Le Châble
Les séismes de 1946, Se souvenir pour se préparer au prochain tremblement de terre
January to May 2021, Valais
Workshop "Changement climatique et montagnes"
October 1st, 2020 (UNIL)
Mois du paysage dans le Val d'Hérens
From September 11, 2020 to October 10, 2020 (Val d'Hérens)
Cycle de conférences Montagne et Société
August to December 2020
Derborence, lieu de vie et de sciences. Rencontre interdisciplinaire de métiers à Derborence
June26, 2019 (Conthey)
Cycle de conférence Montagne et Société
May to December 2019