
master_int.jpg (Man sitting near the creek feeling the forest atmosphere)

We offer comprehensive training combining theoretical and practical content. Our goal is to train future psychologists in professional, academic and career guidance who are versatile and able to keep up with constant changes in the labor market. Emerging competencies, career mobility, complex decisions: Counseling and Vocational Psychology is a discipline that evolves according to socio-economic changes with the primary goal of the individual's well-being and mental health. For this reason, our master degree combines training experiences:

  • On the University campus, where students familiarize themselves with the current theories and problems of counseling and vocational guidance psychology, and become familiar with the latest research methods and evolutions;
  • At the Consultation Service in downtown Lausanne, where students conduct psychological consultations under the supervision of professionals.

At the end of the course, students simultaneously obtain two titles: the Master of Science in Psychology and the Qualification of Professional, Academic and Career Counselor.

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GĂ©opolis  -  CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 22 00
Fax +41 21 692 22 11