Commerce international

Études d'impact des politiques publiques sur le commerce international

Le CREA évalue l’impact des politiques publiques comme par exemple les politiques commerciales, les réglementations, etc. Le CREA peut effectuer sur mandat des études sur divers pays et sujets.

Les professeur·e·s membres du CREA et leurs partenaires du Département d'économie ont réalisé de nombreuses recherches sur le sujet, dont certaines publiées dans des revues académiques internationales.

Recherches académiques associées

Evaluating Aid for Trade: A Survey of Recent Studies | 2014
Olivier Cadot, Ana Fernandes, Julien Gourdon, Aaditya Mattoo, Jame de Melo

Assessing the price-raising effect of non-tariff measures in Africa | March 2014
Olivier Cadot, Julien Gourdon

Success and failure of African exporters | January 2013
Olivier Cadot, Leonardo Iacovone, Martha Denisse Pierola, Ferdinand Rauch

Are the benefits of export support durable? Evidence from Tunisia | November 2013
Olivier Cadot, Ana M. Fernandes, Julien Gourdon, Aaditya Mattoo

North-South Standards Harmonization and International Trade 
Anne-Célia Disdier, Lionel Fontagné, Olivier Cadot

Tools for applied trade-policy analysis: An introduction | July 2010
Soamiely Andriamananjara, Olivier Cadot, Jean-Marie Grether

Do Private Inspection Programs Affect Trade Facilitation? | July 2010
Irina Velea, Olivier Cadot, John S. Wilson

Trade Diversification, Income, and Growth: What Do We Know? | April 2010
Céline Carrère, Vanessa Strauss-Kahn, Olivier Cadot

Imports and TFP at the Firm Level: The Role of Absorptive Capacity | March 2010
Patricia Augier, Olivier Cadot, Marion Dovis

Export Diversification: What's behind the Hump? | November 2009
Olivier Cadot, Céline Carrère, Vanessa Strauss-Kahn

Do Food Scares Explain Supplier Concentration? An analysis of EU Agri-food Imports | September 2009
Mélise Jaud, Olivier Cadot, Akiko Suwa Eisenmann

OECD Imports: Diversification and quality search | February 2009
Olivier Cadot, Céline Carrère, Madina Kukenova, Vanessa Strauss-Kahn

How Costly Is It for Poor Farmers to Lift Themselves Out of Subsistence? | March 2008
Olivier Cadot, Laure Dutoit, Marcelo Olarreaga

Sunset over the ATPDEA: Implications for Bolivian Employment | February 2008
Olivier Cadot, Ana Cristina Molina, Seynabou Yaye Sakho

ATPDEA's end: Effects on Bolivian Real Incomes| February 2008
Olivier Cadot, Ethel M.Fonseca, Seynabou Yaye Sakho

Does Bolivia under-trade? | February 2008
Olivier Cadot, Laure Dutoit, Seynabou Yaye Sakho

Does a WTO Agreement Discipline Members? Evidence from the Anti-Dumping Sunset-Review Agreement | January 2008
Olivier Cadot, Jaime de Melo, Bolormaa Tumurchudur

Export Diversification: What's behind the Hump? | Novembre 2007
Céline Carrère, Vanessa Strauss-Kahn, Olivier Cadot

Endowments, Specialization and Policy | November 2007
Yuliya Shakurova, Olivier Cadot, Alessandro Nicita, Claudio Sfreddo

Why OECD Countries should Reform Rules of Origin | February 2007
Olivier Cadot, Jaime de Melo

Tariff Evasion and Customs Corruption: Does PSI Help? | November 2006
Jose Anson, Olivier Cadot, Marcelo Olarreaga 

Rules of Origin for Preferential Trading Arrangements: Implications for AFTA of EU and US Regimes | June 2006
Olivier Cadot, Jaime de Melo, Alberto Portugal-Pérez

The Dynamics of Trade and Competition | April 2006
Natalie Chen, Jean Imbs, Andrew Scott

The Elimination of Madagascar's Vanilla Marketing Board, Ten Years On | January 2006
Olivier Cadot, Laure Dutoit, Jaime de Melo

Scared by Foreigners and their Products? Survey Evidence from France | January 2006
Olivier Cadot, Pierre-Yves Geoffard, Akiko Suwa-Eisenmann, Thierry Verdier

How Costly Is It for Poor Farmers to Lift Themselves Out of Subsistence? | August 2005
Olivier Cadot, Laure Dutoit, Marcelo Olarreaga

Tariff Evasion and Customs Corruption: Does PSI Help? | August 2003
José Anson, Olivier Cadot, Marcelo Olarreaga

Institut CREA d'économie appliquée
Université de Lausanne
Faculté des HEC
Internef 552
Quartier de Chamberonne
CH-1015 Lausanne        

Tél. +41 21 692 33 53

Association of MBAs (AMBA)EFMD EQUIS AccreditedQuantitative Techniques for Economics & Management (QTEM)