BA and MSc

Bachelor in Economics

Our three-year introductory program aims to equip students with a thorough understanding of the basic tools of economic analysis. This covers mathematical and statistical methods used in modern economics as well as the most prominent models in microeconomics and macroeconomics. A strong quantitative component ensures that our Bachelor graduates are well equipped to enroll in Masters programs at any leading university. As of the Fall 2023, our Bachelor program is taught both in French and in English.

For more information on the Bachelor in Economics, see here.

Masters in Economics (MScE)

The MscE is Switzerland’s longest established graduate program in economics, dating back to 1982. This tradition bears testimony to our research-led pedagogical approach and to our emphasis on advanced teaching. For students wishing to obtain a state-of-the art education in economics and an internationally recognized academic qualification, this program will provide the basis for a successful career as a professional economist. For those interested in further academic and professional research, it also constitutes an excellent preparation for PhD programs in economics, both in Switzerland and abroad. Our Masters program is taught entirely in English.

For interviews of the graduates of the Master of Science in Economics, see here. For more information on the MScE, see here.

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Association of MBAs (AMBA)EFMD EQUIS AccreditedQuantitative Techniques for Economics & Management (QTEM)Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME)