Organisations internationales

en français:

  • Lagrange, Evelyne [Hrsg.]: Droit des organisations internationales. - Paris : LGDJ, 2013
  • Robert Kolb, Introduction au droit des Nations Unies, Bale, Helbling, 2008. (366 pages)
  • Alain Plantey, François Loriot, Fonction publique internationale : organisations mondiales et européennes, Paris : CNRS Editions, 2005.
  • Tabrizi Ben Salah, Institutions internationales, Paris : A. Colin, 2005.
  • Nathalie De Grove-Valdeyron, Saïd Hamdouni, Les institutions internationales et communautaires, Paris : Ellipses, 2002.
  • Manuel Díez de Velasco Vallejo ; [trad. par Leonor Brigitte Allard], Les organisations internationales, Paris: Economica, 2002.


in English / en anglais

  • Henry G. Schermers and Niels M. Blokker, International Institutional Law, Sixth Revised Edition,2018.

  • Jan Klabbers, An Introduction to International Organizations Law. Cambridge (CUP, 3rd edn., 2015) (424 pges).
  • Ruffert, Matthias / Walter, Christian, Institutionalised International Law (Hart, Oxford, 2015) (250 pages).
  • Archer, Clive: International organizations. - London [u.a.] : Routledge, 4th edn. 2015 (185 pages).
  • Davies, Michael D. V.: International organizations. - Cheltenham, UK [u.a.] : Elgar, 2014 (680 pages).
  • Benedetto Conforti and Carlo Focarelli, The Law and Practice of the United Nations, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers Leiden, 2010 (449 pages).
  • Ian Hurd, International Organizations - Politics, Law, Practice, Cambridge University Press, 2010. (296 pages).
  • Philippe Sands and Pierre Klein, Bowett's Law of International Institutions, 6th edn., London, Sweet & Maxwell, 2009.
  • Finn Seyersted, Common law of international organizations, Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2008.
  • Giuseppe Schiavone (ed.), International organizations : a dictionary and directory, Palgrave/MacMillan, 2008, 7th edn.
  • K. Fisher, Handbook on International Organisations, Springer, 2008, 550 pages.
  • Michael P. Scharf, The Law of International Organizations - Problems and Materials, Second Edition 2007, Carolina Academic Press, 1345 pp.
  • C.F. Amerasinghe, Principles of the Institutional Law of International Organizations. Cambridge (CUP, 2nd ed., 2005) (=Amerasinghe).
  • Nigel D. White,The law of international organisations, Manchester : Manchester University Press : Juris Publ., 2005, 2nd edn.
  • Jan Wouters (ed.), Intergovernmental Organizations, International Encyclopedia of Laws, first published 1996, updated twice a year, Looseleaf, 4 volumes.........................



auf Deutsch / en allemand

  • Ruffert / Walter, Institutionalisiertes Völkerrecht - Das Recht der Internationalen Organisationen und seine wichtigsten Anwendungsfelder- Ein Studienbuch (Lehrbuch/Studienliteratur, 2009. Buch. XVI, 228 S. Kartoniert
    C. H. Beck ISBN 978-3-406-59530-1).
  • Volker Rittberger, Bernhard Zangl ; Mitarb. von Matthias Staisch, Internationale Organisationen - Politik und Geschichte : [europäische und weltweite internationale Zusammenschlüsse], Opladen : Leske und Budrich, 2003, 3., überarb. Aufl.
  • Seidl-Hohenveldern, Ignaz / Loibl, Gerhard, Das Recht der internationalen Organisationen einschliesslich der supranationalen Gemeinschaften, Köln, C. Heymann, 7. Aufl., 2000.



  • Zanghì, Claudio: Diritto delle organizzazioni internazionali. - Torino : Giappichelli, 2013 (439 pagine)
  • Del Vecchio, Angela [Hrsg.]: Diritto delle organizzazioni internazionali. - Napoli [u.a.] : Ed. Scientifiche Italiane, 2012 (444 pagine)
  • Ugo Draetta, Principi di diritto delle organizzazioni internazionali, Giuffrö, Milano, 2a ed. 2006.


  • Trindade, Antônio Augusto Cançado: Direito das organizações internacionais. - Belo Horizonte : Del Rey, 5a ed. 2012 (838 paginas)
  • Seitenfus, Ricardo, Manual das organizações internacionais, 3ª ed. Porto Alegre, Livraria do Advogado, 2003.
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