
Key Publications

Morhart F., Herzog W., Tomczak T. (2009). Brand-Specific Leadership: Turning Employees into Brand Champions. Journal of Marketing, Vol. 73, No. 5, pp. 122-142.

Devezer B., Sprott D. E., Spangenberg E. R., Czellar S. (2014). Consumer Well-Being: Effects of Subgoal Failures and Goal Importance. Journal of Marketing, 78, 118-134.

Christen M., Sarvary M. (2007). Competitive Pricing of Information: A Longitudinal Experiment. Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 42-56.

de Bellis, E., Hildebrand, C., Ito, K., Herrmann, A., & Schmitt, B. (2019). Personalizing the Customization Experience: A Matching Theory of Mass Customization Interfaces and Cultural Information Processing. Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 56, No. 6, pp. 1050-1065.

Müller-Stewens J., Schlager T., Häubl G., Herrmann A. (2017). Gamified Information Presentation and Consumer Adoption of Product Innovations. Journal of Marketing, Vol. 81, No. 2, pp. 8-24 (Lead article & featured in Journal of Marketing: Research Insights). 

Just Playing Around: Why “Gamifying” an Innovation Can Boost the Bottom Line


Best Paper Award

Morhart F., Malär L., Guèvremont A., Girardin F., Grohmann B. (2015). Brand Authenticity: An Integrative Framework and Measurement Scale. Journal of Consumer Psychology, Volume 25, Issue 2. Winner of the 2017 Park Award for the Best Article appearing in Vol. 25 (2015) of the Journal of Consumer Psychology.

Mohan B., Schlager T., Deshpandé R., Norton M. (2018). Consumers Avoid Buying from Firms with Higher CEO-to-Worker Pay Ratios. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 28 (2), 344–352. Winner of the 2021 Park Award for the Best Article appearing in Vol. 28 (2018) of the Journal of Consumer Psychology.

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