All Publications


Schlager, Tobias; Whillans, Ashley (2022). People underestimate the probability of contracting the coronavirus from friendsNature Humanities & Social Sciences Communications



Schlager, Tobias; Mohan, Bhavya; DeCelles, Katy; Norton, Mike (2021). Consumers - Especially Women - Avoid Buying from Firms with Higher Gender Pay Ratios. Journal of Consumer Psychology

Schlager, Tobias; Mohan, Bhavya; DeCelles, Katy; Norton, Mike (2021). Customers Will Reward Companies for Smaller Gender Pay GapsHarvard Business Review



Whillans, Ashley; Wilson, Anne; Schlager, Tobias (2020). The Unexpected Benefits and Underlying Motivations for Communicating COVID-19 Contagion Risks When Rejecting In-Person Social Invitations. Journal of the Association of Consumer Research. [Lead article]

Whillans, Ashley; Schlager, Tobias; de Bellis Emanuel; Nindl, Fabian (2020). To promote happiness, let the robot vacuum. Harvard Business Review

Whillans, Ashley; Wilson, Annie; Schlager, Tobias (2020). It’s Okay to Say “No” to Social Events During Covid. Harvard Business Review

Schlager, Tobias; de Bellis, Emanuel; Hoegg, JoAndrea “Joey” (2020). How and when weather boosts consumer product valuation. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 48, 695-711. 

de Bellis, E.; Johar V. Gita (2020), “Autonomous Shopping Systems: Identifying and Overcoming Barriers to Consumer Adoption,” Journal of Retailing, 96 (1), 74–87.



de Bellis, E., Hildebrand, C., Ito, K., Herrmann, A., & Schmitt, B. (2019). Personalizing the Customization Experience: A Matching Theory of Mass Customization Interfaces and Cultural Information Processing. Journal of Marketing Research56(6), 1050-1065.

Hildebrand, Chrstian; Schlager, Tobias (2019). Extending Consumers’ Path-to-Purchase: Incidental Social Media Use Promotes Conservative Product Configurations. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 47 (2), 291-307. 

Mohan, Bhavya; Schlager, Tobias; Desphandé, Rohit; Norton, Mike (2019). Consumers Avoid Buying from Firms with Higher CEO-to-Worker Pay Ratios. Journal of Consumer Psychology, (SI: Marketplace Morality), 28 (2), 344-352. 



Schlager, Tobias; Hildebrand, Christian; Franke, Nikolaus; Häubl, Gerald; Herrmann, Andreas (2018). Social Product Customization Systems: Peer Input, Conformity, and Consumers’ Evaluation of Customized Products. Journal of Management Information Systems, 35 (1), 319-349.

Gantenbein C., Schlager T. (2018). Testing the Risk as Feeling and Risk as Analysis Perspective for Insurance: The Antecedents of Purchasing Unit-Linked Life Insurance Products. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 23, 25–37.

Mohan B., Schlager T., Deshpandé R., Norton M. (2018). Consumers Avoid Buying from Firms with Higher CEO-to-Worker Pay Ratios. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 28 (2), 344–352. [JCP Park Best Paper Award]



Müller-Stewens J., Schlager T., Häubl G., Herrmann A. (2017). Gamified Information Presentation and Consumer Adoption of Product Innovations. Journal of Marketing, 81(2), 8-24 (Lead article & featured in Journal of Marketing: Research Insights). 

Mikes A., Morhart F. "Bringing Back Charlie Chaplin: Accounting as catalyst in the creation of an authentic product of popular culture." Management Accounting Research 35 (2017): 66-82.

Martin C.,Czellar S. (2017). Where Do Biospheric Values Come From? A Connectedness to Nature Perspective. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 52, 56-68.

Liu R. L., Sprott D. E., Spangenberg E. R., Czellar S. (2017). Engaging with brands: the influence of dispositional and situational brand engagement on customer advocacy. Forthcoming in R. W. Palmatier, V. Kumar, & C. M. Harmeling (Eds.). Customer Engagement Marketing. Palgrave McMillan.

Berger A, Schlager T., Sprott D., Herrmann A. (2017). Gamified Interactions: Whether, When, and How Games Facilitate Self-Brand Connections. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 

Herrmann A., Sprott D., Schlager T. (2017). What Drives Leapfrogging? Empirical Assessment of Consumer Determinants of Leapfrogging. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 28(3-4), 266-281.

Batt V., Berghaus B., Bossard C., Höchli M., Looser C., Nedeva V., Scharwey A. C., Urkmez T., Wilke S. (2017). Toward a Research Agenda in Luxury. In Thieme W. (Ed.) Luxusmarkenmanagement (pp. 547-570). Springer Gabler. Wiesbaden. 

Book: Usunier JC., Bourbonnais R. (2017). Pratique de la Prévision des Ventes. Paris. Economica. 6th edition.

Book: Usunier JC., Van Herk H., Lee J. (2017). International and Cross-Cultural Business Research. London. Sage Publications.

Book Chapters:  Hellwig K., Sahakian M., Morhart F. (forthcoming). Societal Factors and the Emergence of the Sharing Economy, forthcoming in:  The Sharing Economy: Possibilities, Challenges, and the Way Forward, eds. Pia Albinsson and Yasanthi Perera (April 2017).



Gollnhofer, J., Hellwig K.Morhart F. (2016). Fair is Good but what is Fair? Negotiations of Distributive Justice in an Emerging Non-Monetary Sharing Model. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 1(2), 226-246.        

Martin C., Czellar S. (2016). The extended Inclusion of Nature in Self scale. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 47, 181–194.

Bublitz M. G., Escalas J. E., Peracchio L. A., Furchheim P., Landreth Grau S., Hamby A., Kay M., Mulder M., Scott A. (2016). “Transformative Storytelling: A Framework for Crafting Stories for Social Impact Organizations”, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing. DOI: 10.1509/jppm.15.133.

Book Chapters: Hellwig K., Belk R.W., Morhart F. (2016). Shared Moments of Sociality: Embedded Sharing within Peer-to-peer Hospitality Platforms. In: Sharing, Gifting and Reciprocity: Everyday Moral Economies and Politics of Crisis, eds. Sarah M. Hall and Anthony Ince.



Morhart F., et al. (2015). Brand authenticity: An integrative framework and measurement scale. Journal of Consumer Psychology 25.2: 200-218.

Hellwig K., et al. (2015). Exploring different types of sharing: A proposed segmentation of the market for “sharing” businesses." Psychology & Marketing 32.9 : 891-906.

Heath Timothy B., Chatterjee S., Basuroy S., Hennig-Thurau T., Kocher B. (2015). Innovation Sequences Over Iterated Offerings: A Relative Innovation, Comfort, and Stimulation Framework of Consumer Responses. Journal of Marketing, 79 (November), 71-93.

Hellwig K., Morhart F., Girardin F., Hauser M. (2015). Exploring Different Types of Sharing: A Proposed Segmentation of the Market for Sharing Businesses. Psychology & Marketing, 32 (9), 891–906.

Book: Usunier JC., Prime N. (2015). Marketing International, Marchés, Cultures et Organisations. Paris. Pearson, 2nd edition.



Shrum L. J., Lowrey T. M., Pandelaere M., Ruvio A., Gentina E., Furchheim P., Herbert, M., Hudders, L. Lens, I. Mandel, N. Nairn A., Samper A., Soscia I., Steinfield L. (2014). Materialism: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Journal of Marketing Management. 

Book: Usunier JC., tolz J. (2014). Religion as Brands: New Perspectives on the Marketization of Religion and Spirituality. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing.



Schlager T., Maas P. (2013). Fitting International Segmentation for EmerGing Markets: Conceptual Development and Empirical Illustration. Journal of International Marketing. 12(2), 497-508. 



Usunier J-C., Cestre G., Czellar S., Morhart F., Müller B. (2011). Perspectives on Responsible Marketing. In Palazzo G. & Wentland M. (Eds.). Responsible management practices for the 21st century (pp. 89-102). Pearson, Paris.

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