Specific process for the faculty of HEC - spring semester 2024

This process concerns teachers who are responsible for their teaching. If you are teaching within a course you are not responsible for (e.g. speaker, teaching assistant) contact us directly if you wish to have your teaching evaluated by students.

Since the spring 2022, a specific evaluation process for the evaluation of teaching by students has been implemented within HEC.

A list of all the Faculty's courses for the spring semester will be been sent to the CSE. Based on this list, an evaluation questionnaire will be automatically created and sent to you. You will then have to transmit it to your students, preferably during a teaching session during the last two weeks of the semester. A single generic questionnaire is proposed for all courses. It can still be adapted.

Until May 10th, you may contact the CSE by writing to cse-eval@unil.ch if you desire to :

  • Adapt the questionnaire to the context of your teaching, or use another evaluation tool (focus group, or photo expression for example),
  • Not to have your teaching evaluated this semester (as long as it respects the 3-year periodicity described in the Directive de la Direction 3.22),
  • For any particular request or question (if you wish a summary of your results, or ask for a particular deadline, for example)

Between May 13th and 17th, you will receive from cse-eval@unil.ch or one of the members of the CSE team a unique link to the evaluation questionnaire created for your teaching with a summary of the different information (title, possible co-teachers, etc.). Thank you for checking those information and for contacting the CSE if you notice any error. In case you have not received any link by May 17th contact us at cse-eval@unil.ch.

From May 20th to 31st, it will be up to you to transmit the link to your students, preferably by according 10-15 min during a teaching session to encourage the participation and to have the opportunity to discuss the process and the importance of the process for you and the Faculty.

The questionnaire will be closed Wednesday June 17th, and only you will receive the results in the following weeks.

Time period 
→ until 10 May: contact the CSE for adaptations
→ 13-17 May: reception of the links to be transmitted to your students
→ 20-31 May: transmission of the links to your students
→ 17 June: closing of the evaluations

Bâtiment Anthropole  -  CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 38 15