Photo Expression session

A photo expression session is organised in the form of a group interview with the use of photographs or images. This methodology aims to facilitate students' expression and enable them to become aware of and deepen their representations, conceptions and sense of learning in relation to your teaching. 

Durée 1 or 2 hours during a teaching session

Nombre de participant·e·s 8-15 students

Délais 5-10 days to receive the results file


  1. Check the Principles for a successful evaluation
  2. Contact the CSE at least 2 weeks before to organise the Photo Expression session and specify the themes to address
  3. Inform the students of the Photo Expression process (the teacher does not attend the Photo Expression meeting)
  4. Plan a meeting with the CSE to receive and discuss about the results report


Inspired by Photolangage® (Baptiste, Belisle, Pechenart and Vacheret, 1991) and adapted to the context of higher education and students’ evaluation of teaching, this method allows students to

  • Verbalize their learning experience
  • Become aware of their own representations
  • Confront their representations with those of other students

During the first meeting with the CSE, one or more questions about teaching and learning are determined with a pedagogical advisor. The framework, expectations and organization of the session are specified.

During the session, conducted in your absence, students will be asked to choose from a selection of photographs the one(s) that best represents their response to the question(s) posed. Each student will then explain the reasons for his or her choice. A summary of the results will be made by the CSE.

The report of the results is transmitted to the teacher during a feedback session with the CSE.


Sylvestre E., Antille M. (2023, 3 avril). Évaluer autrement les enseignements dans le supérieur en utilisant la photo-expression [communication orale]. 34e colloque de l’ADMEE-Europe, Evaluer les apprentissages : continuités et ruptures, Université de Mons

Baptiste, A., Belisle, C., Pechenart, J. M., & Vacheret, C. (1991). Photolangage®: une méthode pour communiquer en groupe par la photo. Les Éditions d'organisation.​

Time period 
→ Contact: min. 10 working days before the desired date for the evaluation

Bâtiment Anthropole  -  CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 38 15