The FAmily and DevelOpment research center (FADO) is a lab in the University of Lausanne's Institute of Psychology, which is part of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.

Our goals are to promote research in family, clinical and developmental psychology and encourage dialogue between researchers and practitioners. Our work focuses on the psychosocial development of children and adolescents and on marital, parental, coparenting and family dynamics at various life stages. Further, it aims to understand the role of individual and psychosocial determinants of mental disorders, including social, cultural, biological and other environmental factors, and investigate the potential role of these factors in prevention and treatment.

The FADO further explores challenging conditions such as transition to parenthood, transition from childhood to adolescence and young adulthood, and other transitions such as (forced) migration. We seek to better understand children's, adolescents' and young adults’ relationships and how to prevent or deal with relationship difficulties in family and peer contexts. To explore the significance of our observations, we situate them in a broader socio-cultural, developmental and historical context. In addition, the FADO focuses on the stigmatization and discrimination of people with mental disorders and their family members.

The FADO provides teaching for undergraduate and doctoral students, and training for professionals through continuing education courses and psychotherapy training.

Fado, from latin fatum, "fate, destiny"
• A type of popular Portuguese song, usually with a melancholy theme and accompanied by mandolins or guitars. (sources: and

CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 22 00
Fax +41 21 692 22 11