Part-time studies

Since autumn 2020, all UNIL Bachelors can be followed on a part-time basis. It is also possible to do a Master on a part-time basis.

According to Article 6 of Directive of the University of Lausanne Rectorate 3.12 (PDF), family reasons allow to request part-time studies, if they are important and durable, such as, in particular, a person depending on you (child, sick or handicapped husband, wife or parents, etc.).

The part-time corresponds to studies on a 50% basis of full-time studies throughout the duration of the Bachelor's or Master's studies. Please note however that you cannot change this regime during the study programme: you must enrol on either a full-time or part-time basis as from the start of your Bachelor's or Master's degree programme.

Information / Submission of applications :

Vieux Pressoir  -  CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 20 59