Fine tea

Fine tea's main objective is to support post-doctoral women in their professional orientation and career development.

Our approach is to organize a series of events where professional women with an academic background share their experiences and perspectives on career choices, crucial decisions, and opportunities. We aim to provide both professional and personal support specifically tailored to women working in academia, as they reflect on and plan their future.

Next event - September 20th, 2024

We would like to invite you to our upcoming event “FINE Tea: On Career Paths” on the topic: "Between Academia and Industry”.  These events are specifically designed for female postdoc researchers and PhD students at our HEC faculty. This is the fourth event in a series of personal discussions about career paths navigations, decisions and inspirations in academia with invigorating female figures from HEC, UNIL. 

 Join us to listen and discuss the experiences and thoughts on career paths with Agnieszka Dabrowska-Leszczynska, PhD. 

 The event will take place on September 20th, from 16:00 to 17:30 at the Lounge 221 of the Extranef building. 

 Refreshments will be provided. 

 The event is jointly organised by the FINE female HEC postdoc community and the HEC Commission Égalité and its main purpose is to bring together female professionals to openly debate (and connect over) the career paths–designs, decisions, balances, challenges and opportunities specific to women in academia. 

 We are looking forward to see you there! 


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Internef - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 33 00
Fax +41 21 692 33 05
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