Research and teaching are divided into 10 departments, each covering a particular area of expertise.
Professors teach at Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral levels, as well as in executive education, while participating in research activities by publishing articles in scientific journals and speaking at seminars, round tables and conferences.
Department of Organisational Behaviour (OB)
Our researchers are interested in the behaviour and decision-making of individuals and groups in companies, with a common goal: to help organisations improve their effectiveness and the well-being of their employees.
Department of Accounting and Control (DAC)
To better understand the growing complexity of national and international accounting systems, our department conducts cutting-edge research in areas such as auditing, tax systems, management and cost control.
Department of Business Law and Taxation (D-DAF)
In the field of business law, our researchers focus on commercial law, financial market law, etc. In taxation, they examine individuals and companies, and direct and indirect, national and international taxation. Our work covers issues such as competition law, company law and intellectual property.
Department of Economics (DE)
Our department's research covers many facets of economics, including econometrics and micro- and macroeconomics, public economics, experimental economics and the economics of development, labour, the environment, industrial organisation, health and education.
Department of Finance (DF)
Researchers in our department deal with all aspects of finance, including corporate finance, price determinants in speculative markets, market microstructure and financial institutions.
Marketing Department (DMK)
Our department's research aims to gain a better understanding of the exchange processes between market players in order to develop marketing strategies. It focuses, in particular, on the role of consumers from an international and multi-cultural perspective, and the implementation of ethical marketing policies that benefit society.
Department of Operations (DO)
We work to optimise production flows, whether in terms of costs, production times, supply, etc. When it comes to flows, we explore different environmentally friendly mobility solutions.
Department of Actuarial Sciences (DSA)
Our researchers continue the Faculty's long tradition of teaching and research in actuarial science. Our work focuses on insurance, stochastic models in insurance, pension systems and the mathematical instrumentalisation of finance.
Department of Strategy, Globalisation and Society (SGS)
Our researchers explore the key factors that enable companies to stand out from the crowd and prosper over the long term. They take a holistic approach to strategy, taking into account market opportunities as well as concerns such as ethics and the environment.
Department of Information Systems (DESI)
Our researchers take an interdisciplinary approach to the study of management, engineering and design, mathematics and logic, as well as computer science, biology and cybercrime. They are organised into two groups: information systems and complexity sciences.