Research Services

| HEC Lausanne services (services for the Faculty's researchers) | UNIL services (services for all researchers of the university) | Useful links for research activities

To enable its researchers to achieve scientific excellence and foster innovation, HEC Lausanne provides unique research infrastructures comprising services, resources, and facilities.

HEC Lausanne services (services for the Faculty's researchers)

Research Office

The HEC Research Office provides researchers with advice at several stages of the administrative cycle of their research, ranging from the identification of funding and mobility opportunities, to research dissemination in collaboration with the Communications Team, and redirects researchers to internal expert services.

The activities related to research can be summarized as follows:

  • Key contact for inquiries related to research support
  • Support for Serval (institutional repository for publications)
  • Support in identifying funding opportunities
  • Internal communications related to research support
  • Organisation of the HEC Research Fund

Research Office
(closed on Friday afternoons)
+41 21 692 34 99
Internef - Office 255 (how to find us)
1015 Lausanne

Documentation center for finance (CEDIF)

The CEDIF is the HEC Lausanne documentation centre where researchers can get access to top economic and financial data, and receive professional and personalized research and analysis advice. Among the several databases at your disposal, you can find Datastream, Reuters Eikon, Compustat, CRSP and many more!


Website: Centre de documentation et d'initiation financière (CEDIF)

Scientific Computing service

Support for scientific computing is provided to researchers on a broad range of topics. A few examples include:

  • Automatization of data post-processing pipelines
  • Refactoring of code in view of public sharing and/or social development
  • Adapting code to the high-performance computing infrastructure
  • Advise with implementing numerical schemes/algorithmic
  • Help with the DCSR infrastructure (running on the cluster, virtual machines, data storage)

Help or advise is provided on-demand or at the drop-in times:

Scientific Computing -

Thursdays 9am-12pm
Internef - Office 526 (how to find us)
1015 Lausanne

Laboratory for behavorial experiments (LABEX)

The LABEX is the HEC research center, which provides methodological, operational and technical support to researchers. It also provides access to specific rooms and equipment and to a large pool of experimental subjects.

When it comes to personal data, LABEX offers tailor-made guidance to researchers in order to help them comply with the Swiss law and UNIL’s regulations.

Website: HEC-LABEX, Laboratory for behavioral experiments

Statistics Consulting Service

This service is offered to all researchers of the HEC Faculty (PhD students, postdocs and professors) who would like to receive feedback on their research project from a researcher who is specialized in advanced statistics.


This consulting service is offered free of charge by Dr. Marc-Olivier Boldi. It can focus either on the choice of methods or on the analysis of the results themselves.


Marc-Olivier Boldi is also open to opportunities for wider collaboration on research projects, depending on his availability.


Contact :

Communications Service

Promoting researchers and their research activities is part of the Communications Service’s mission. Research projects and news on awards and appointments are showcased on the HEC website and also shared on social networks – Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook – via the official accounts of HEC Lausanne.

Research projects are also presented in more detail on the blog HECimpact in a short format, using layman’s language. The blog is intended, in particular, for journalists and the general public.

In order to promote your research activities and expertise among journalists and the general public, we invite you to get in touch with the Communications team and share research topics, projects, new publications (either in academic or professional journals), appointments and distinctions.

While the Communication Service monitors media news on a daily basis, please do not hesitate to inform them about your features in international or local media.

Meet our Communications Team!

Copy-editing service

Our Faculty offers am English language copy-editing service to all HEC researchers. To benefit from this service, please address your request to Vincent Vandersluis byemail, at

Commission for Ethics in Research of HEC Lausanne (CER-HEC)

All important information for research ethics and integrity can be found on the dedicated webpage (link).

UNIL services (services for all researchers of the university)

Central Research Service

The central service for research offers the research support services in the following areas:

Other information related to research project management can be found on UNIL's website "Research Support".

UNIRIS (Data Management and Open Data)

Need some advice on Open Data, Open Access or Research Data Management questions?

Among its various activities, the data stewards at the UNIRIS office provides personalized advice and support in relation to Open Data and research data management, including Data Management Plans (DMPs) and research data archiving. More information can be found on the webpages linked below:


For IT support related to research data, the Scientific and Computing Research Support Unit (in French, DCSR) can also provide you with tailor-made support. More information on the DCSR is available in the tabs below.

Euresearch: supporting UNIL researchers in European funding programs


Euresearch informs and advises researchers on European research programmes, connects and supports researchers during their application process.

Website: Euresearch
Contact person at UNIL for European research programmes: Anne-Emmanuelle de Crousaz

Technology Transfer Office (PACTT)

Technology Transfer Office (PACTT)

PACTT is the joint technology transfer office of UNIL and CHUV. It provides expert advice to researchers on legal issues related to intellectual property, contract negotiation, collaboration with companies and other institutions, and startup creation.

Research contracts have to be annnounced to the PACTT prior to the researcher's signature, accordingly to UNIL regulations (section 4).

On the PACTT website, useful templates of agreements can be found here.

Website: PACTT

Scientific Computing and Research Support Unit (DCSR)

Scientific Computing and Research Support Unit

The mission of the Scientific Computing and Research Support Unit (Division calcul et soutien à la recherche, DCSR, in French) is to provide computation and storage resources to the UNIL community as well as transverse expertise to the various faculties of the University and its affiliated institutes. The DCSR team also provides support for both high performance computing (HPC) and programming (including code optimization and parallelization).

  • DCSR webpage
    • General overview of DCSR services
    • Terms and conditions
    • Info on costs
    • Links to the platform where you can request data storage and computational resources


For doctoral students and postdocs: Graduate Campus

Graduate campus

UNIL offers a number of workshops designed for doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers of all faculties.

Website: Graduate campus-workshops and trainings


Useful links for research activities

UNIL regulations related to research

UNIL regulations related to research are gathered under section 4 on this webpage (FR). For researchers who are responsible for research funds, the regulation 2.9 states the general principles for the administrative management of the funds.

If you have any question related to these regulations, please contact the HEC Research Office.


Many useful resources (web applications, softwares, etc.) are made available to our researchers for...

  • research projects elaboration

  • searching funding opportunities

  • data collection and processing

  • storing, sharing and archiving research data

  • publication of research results

  • legal questions related to research data management will find all of them in our intranet (login required)


UNIL websites related to research



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Internef - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 33 00
Fax +41 21 692 33 05
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