Candidate to enrolment

Student or former student at UNIL


Candidate to enrolment



  • How to get a visa

    Candidates needing a study visa can find the necessary information here.

    The visa procedure can take some time.

    It is therefore highly recommended to contact the Swiss Embassy or Consulate no later than upon reception of your certificate of admission to registration.

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  • Do I have to pay the administrative fees ?

    The following candidates must pay CHF 200.-- to cover the fees for the processing of their applications:

    a) candidates applying to a Bachelor programme, the preparatory year or to EFLE and holding a foreign school or university diploma

    b) candidates applying to a Master, a doctorate or a MAS programme if they are holders of a Bachelor or a Master delivered by a foreign university or HES

    - No refund can be made, even where applications are withdrawn or refused by UNIL.

    - Proof of payment of this fee must be enclosed with the documents sent by postal mail to the Admissions Service.

    - Information on the different ways to make the payment of the administrative fees are available here.

    Further information concerning the fees can be found in the "Directive de la Direction en matière de taxes et délais".

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  • How to get equivalences for my previous studies

    Students wishing to obtain equivalences for their previous university studies can contact the faculty's students administration office after having received the certificate of admission to registration.


    - Equivalences cannot be requested before the candidate has been accepted. 
      You must therefore first apply to the Admissions Service.
    - Please contact the Faculty or School in order to verify the deadline to apply for equivalence
    - If you have already submitted an equivalence request to the Faculty or School, you will have to join a copy of their answer to your application documents.

    If you wish to obtain an equivalence for a foreign university diploma in order to work in Switzerland, contact:

    Swiss ENIC
    Effingerstrasse 15
    3000 Bern 1

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Student or former student at UNIL


  • How to get my registration certificate ("attestation d'inscription")

    After the payment of the semester fees, you have to wait for about a week to be able to print out the registration certificate ("attestation d'inscription") on MyUNIL: http://my.unil.ch/ > cliquer sur l’avatar > Mon profil > Mes immatriculations.

    You can print out several copies of the present and past certificates, if needed (e.g. for scholarships).

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The invoice can be found in the portal MyUnil > my administrative data > my immatriculations > my invoices

How to download your invoices for the tuition fees

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To send us your questions or comments :


immat.bachelor@unil.ch for questions concerning the admission to bachelor programmes and to the School of French as a Foreign Language (EFLE) as well as for questions by regular UNIL students registered in a bachelor or at EFLE. These questions may for example concern taxation, the dégrèvement familial, deadlines for exmatriculation, etc. Auditeurs must also use this address.


immat.master@unil.ch for questions concerning the admission to master programmes and for questions by regular UNIL students registered in a master programme. These questions may for example concern taxation, the dégrèvement familial, deadlines for exmatriculation, etc.


immat.doctorat@unil.ch for questions concerning the admission to doctoral studies and for questions by regular PhD students registered for doctoral studies at UNIL. These questions may for example concern taxation, deadlines for exmatriculation, etc. 




the French version of the registration conditions prevails