The Service in brief

End of year closure | Who are we ?

End of year closure

Our Office will be closed from Monday 23 December 2024 to Friday 3 January 2025.

We wish you a merry festive season and a happy New Year.


Université de Lausanne
Service des immatriculations
et inscriptions

CH-1015 Lausanne

Phone: +41 (0)21 692 21 00



How to find us ?

Opening times:

Our desk

By appointment only


Monday-Thursday-Friday : 10:00-13:00
Tuesday-Wednesday : 13:00-15:00

Our phone lines :

Monday-Thursday : 10:00-13:00
Tuesday-Wednesday : 13:00-15:00



A secure mailbox is also at your disposal on the campus at the UNICENTRE building’s northwest entrance. for questions concerning the admission to bachelor programmes and to the School of French as a Foreign Language (EFLE) as well as for questions by regular UNIL students registered in a bachelor or at EFLE. These questions may for example concern taxation, the dégrèvement familial, deadlines for exmatriculation, etc. Auditeurs must also use this address. for questions concerning the admission to master programmes and for questions by regular UNIL students registered in a master programme. These questions may for example concern taxation, the dégrèvement familial, deadlines for exmatriculation, etc. for questions concerning the admission to doctoral studies and for questions by regular PhD students registered for doctoral studies at UNIL. These questions may for example concern taxation, deadlines for exmatriculation, etc. 



Who are we ?

The Admissions Service is responsible for :

  • students' matriculation and registration

  • requests of changing faculty

  • requests of rematriculation

  • requests of exmatriculation

  • changes of students'addresses and personal data

  • changes of status (semester leave) and taxation; invoicing of the registration fees twice a year (July and December)

  • establisching of different certificates (for the AVS, etc...)

  • registration of "auditeurs"

  • and in particular : information on admission conditions to all levels of studies.



the French version of the registration conditions prevails