with a Swiss secondary education diploma

Content of applications for admission to a Bachelor's programme with a Swiss secondary education diploma:

- a passport format photograph

- a complete curriculum vitae up to date

- a copy of the diploma of upper secondary education (if obtained)

- in the case of university studies or HES/HEP, a copy of the university diploma or HES/HEP (if obtained) and diploma supplement (if received); copies of official records of grades (transcripts) obtained in all university or HEP/HES examinations (even if studies have not been fully completed); a copy of the certificate of exmatriculation (at the latest the certificate must be provided before the start of the courses)

- for candidates to the Certificat d’examen complémentaire de la Commission suisse de maturité (passerelle Dubs), a copy of the Certificat d’examen complémentaire (if already obtained), as well as a copy of the Certificat de maturité professionnelle ou spécialisée

- a copy of the passport or identity card

- for foreigners, a copy of the Swiss residence permit (if already in possession)

- for an inscription to part-time studies, the required documents.

If the diploma giving entitlement to registration is issued only during the summer preceding immediately the beginning of the academic year, the candidate uploads the other documents within the specified deadline, indicating the date on which the copy of the diploma giving access to UNIL will be sent to the Admissions Office.


the French version of the registration conditions prevails
Unicentre  -  CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 21 00