Part-time Master |
Under certain conditions, a Master programme can be followed part-time. In this case, it corresponds to part-time studies (50%) over the total duration of the studies. It is not possible to change from full-time studies to part-time studies during a programme except in the case of a derogation granted by the Direction for justified reasons only during the first semester of study. The student must express and justify his intention to follow part-time studies when he applies to the master but no later than the Friday preceding the beginning of the courses of the first semester of registration. The semester fees for part-time studies are the same as those for full-time studies. |
Reasons allowing to request part-time studies: |
More information, see la Directive sur les bachelors et les masters à temps partiel (50%) |
Grants / scholarships : in some cases scholarships are not granted for part-time studies (part-time Master). It is therefore advised to contact the authorities granting the scholarship. |
The University of Lausanne requires from all candidates applying for part-time studies for professional reasons the proof of an employment of at least 30%, meaning a minimum of 12h00 per week. |